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Posts posted by Murrr

  1. He looks like Tyson Chandler and Chris Rock had a baby. Nice track that. WIll check him out.


    Have you been watching the ATL Trap scene video series on Vice? Can't get into that stuff at all but it's a good watch.


    The series with Thomas Morton? Yeah, it's been great. That guys is such a bad motherfucker: skinny little white dude just casually strolling through some of the worst neighbourhoods in the USA, talking to some of the scariest men alive. I really love the episode with the ATL Twins -- not because of the ATL Twins, because they're insane, but the scenes with "The Devil" and Trouble's crew. It's really fascinating, like a window into another world, and it adds another layer to the music, I think.


    Don't get me wrong, I can't stand a lot of the artists they're covering, but if I hear Trouble doing a guest verse on a track, for example, I can now contextualize what he's saying because I know he's coming from a "real" place. 


    Migos are completely fucking absurd, and the series only reaffirmed that, and the 2Chainz episode was pretty boring, but I've enjoyed just about everything else. They're missing a serious trick if they don't talk to Killer Mike though: for my money, there's not a more important rapper alive today.


    They did a similar series on Chicago last year which you might have seen. The stories were just as interesting, but I find the characters in the ATL scene far more interesting. 

  2. The album is a good listen by the way.


    Yeah, I'm with it. Sounds great on my headphones. I'd heard them on The Rap Monument and had meant to give them a try, so I'm glad you pointed me back towards them. 


    Been listening to a lot of ATL hip-hop lately. This guy's a standout. Music that can be enjoyed on the shallowest level if you just wanna enjoy the beats and hooks, but with plenty of hidden depths:-


  3. What do you think of his hip-hop tracks vs. his R&B songs? I really cannot stand Drake as a rapper (nasally delivery, corny lyrics, faux "hardness"), but I kinda like his R&B stuff. He just seems much more comfortable in that lane. Not that I go out of my way to listen to them, but if they just happen to come on, I can get into them. "Lord Knows" is a certified banger though.


    Speaking of his NBA involvement, here's him fawning over Paul Pierce last night:-




    Topic swerve, but that new Kendrick joints needs some more love. That thing is hot lava. I made the mistake of listening to it before bed, and subsequently ended-up staying-up for another couple of hours picking it apart. It just seems like such a perfect encapsulation of the current racial tensions in America. Really pumped for his album now, especially if there are more tracks like this and less like "I".

  4. Both Villa fans I know are constantly moaning about Lerner and his unwillingness to spend dough. One is particularly vocal about their inability to strengthen the squad with every passing window. I've just taken their word(s) for it, really.


    It's the same with Newcastle really. We have the funds, but they won't be released.

  5. The Doomtree album is decent. Heavy synth beats, high-energy spitting, solid hooks. It's kinda hard to keep up with them, given the pace and number of MCs in the group, but it's a good listen that anyone who's into P.O.S should enjoy.


    Couple of new discoveries:-


  6. Three brilliant second-half goals after a farty first half (cheers, Craig Thomson). Really thrilling stuff, particularly when we pulled McLean back into midfield and pushed Hayes further forward. County came to stifle and were moderately successful in the first half (barring the 'keeper...) but they couldn't touch us in the second. Angry, fired-up, post-cup exit football.


    Thought Shaughnessy killed it when he came on, despite picking up his standard booking for a daft, wild challenge. Mopped everything up. Hope Double D isn't out for too long though.

  7. I'm pretty excited to watch Newcastle this weekend. Really glad we're on the television. This feels like reconciling with a wife I never wanted to leave in the first place: it still doesn't feel totally right, and I've no idea how it's going to work-out in the long run, but it's starting to feel right again. We're still washing Pardew's stink out of the club, but it feels so fucking good knowing that he's gone and he's never coming back.


    I'm very cautious about John Carver, who I don't think is head coach material, but he has my backing. I'd like to see him drop the "Bobby Robson and Gary Speed are with me in the dugout" shtick he's adopted, but his interviews are incredibly refreshing after years of Pardew's bullshit and he's clearly passionate about the club -- I'm just not sure if he can set a team out. Still, he's had a positive impact on guys like Remy Cabella and Mass Haidara, who look completely revitalised now that Pardew's gone, and his team selections show plenty of adventure. I hope he can pull it off.


    Pittodrie should be fun as well. Looking forward to seeing this lad McLean in action, and County should be ideal opponents to bounce back against. I'm expecting a typical McInnes comfortable 1/2-goal win.

  8. I don't hate Goodwillie at all: I think he's a very good footballer whose lack of application manifests as sloppy build-up play that often stifles our attacking moves. Plenty of potential in him and Rooney as a partnership though.

  9. I'm actually quite surprised by the positive appraisal of his link-up play. I'd personally say that this is one of the weakest aspects of his game: he over/under hits a staggering number of passes.


    Either way, I hope he gets it together because he's clearly a very talented lad.

  10. Everything about Goodwillie screams "50%." The guy trudges his way around the football pitch like he just doesn't care. Literally everything he does is half-arsed, and his slouched body language and huffy reactions to being subbed off/not being passed to, etc. are very telling. I really dislike him as a footballer. He's clearly a very talented guy, but the absolute least I expect is that the players give full effort, regardless of their ability level. Goodwillie, at the moment, snatches his chances, pulls-out of challenges and makes weird decisions. He just looks like he'd rather be in Priory. I hope he can get it together, but I've not found him very convincing lately. 

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