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Posts posted by Stichman

  1. I'm off on a grand tour of Central Europe with some mates next week.

    We were going to go interrail, but then the bastards changed the pricing system which means it's now only really worth it if you're away for a month, and want to visit a lot of countries.

    We're taking in Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland in two weeks, and worked out it would be cheaper to just buy tickets as we go.

    In a related topic, I have a European Train Timetable for 2007, RRP 16, yours for just 10!

  2. Doesn't a slogan such as 'Abortion is murder' convey more a sense of sensational, sentimental, 'gone-through-a-trauma' teenage shock-seeker young mum on the path to figuring who she is, than well blanced, well informed and experienced human rights advocate?

    By your argument, how can she comment, she's never even had an abortion..In fact, I don't think most politicians have ever endured much below the poverty-line. And who exactly is she advertising these opinions to? A bunch of equally clue-less schoolkids. If you think this girl is worth sitting up and paying attention to, then do so, but I've got better things to do. Bottom line is, the school shouldn't have bothered saying anything.

    I'm not saying she was right to wear the t-shirt, simply that she is entitled to her opinion, having experienced the different emotions that come with motherhood and having been in a situation where many people choose abortion.

    The manner in which she made her point was chidish, and I wish she'd go away.

    Also, yep, the school shouldn't have said anything, and it shouldn't be in the news, and we shouldn't be talking about it!

  3. If you believe that then I'd ask you to please consider the following scientific observations and conclusions:

    - The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2005 (379 ppm) exceeds by far the natural range of the last 650,000 years (180 to 300 ppm).

    - The amount of methane in the atmosphere in 2005 (1774 ppb) exceeds by far the natural range of the last 650,000 years (320 to 790 ppb).


    There is probabaly more Pepsi being produced now than 650,000 years ago, it doesn't mean it results in Global Warming.

  4. new companion revealed!

    BBC NEWS | Wales | Tate to be Doctor's new companion

    hmm. not sure about this though at least she'll have more balls than martha and hopefully won't be gushing over the doctor at every opportunity.

    She was awful in the Christmas Special.

    Am I the only one who doesn't think the new Doctor Who is THAT great? Sure, it's entertaining, but I think it tries a bit too hard. I can't describe it exactly, just a sort of uncomfortable feeling...

  5. However, I doubt a sixteen year old has sufficent experience to really understand what she's saying on such an issue, hence there being not much reason to pay any attention to it.

    I think at 16 you can pretty much have developed and well-balanced opinions - she's also pregnant so surely she's better placed to comment than either of us?

  6. cheers for the feedback, just wonder which bit you are referring to with the scratching, the bits at the start or the voice bit later on? (which is actually a ringmodulated vocal sample that's retriggered).

    u70jc: no steel drums involved, but now that you mention it I see what you mean

    Just the wee bit right at the start.

    I like the voice bit later on.

  7. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Scepticism' over climate claims

    What do y'all make of it?

    I'm far from a scientist, but I'm a bit sceptical.

    Did anyone see AL Gore on the news last night? He got asked about this MORI poll, and the conversation went something liek this -

    Interviewer - But didn't you say the sea level will rise by 20ft?

    Big Al - No, I said IF the Arctic Circle and Greenland melted, THEN the sea level COULD rise by up top 20ft.

    Interviewer - (Bemused expression)

  8. Right, so mastering engineers, mix engineers, producers and consumers(commercial and private) who appreciate and expect audio of a certain quality are just being pretentious and somehow involved in a conspiracy to mask deficiencies in the music itself because amateurs like you and your deaf mates are happy with the pish that you come away with from a couple of hours in a badly equipped provincial studio? Brilliant. Fuck good audio and the people who strive for it, as long as your happy, the science behind audio reproduction is just a bourgois lie anyway!

    A record doesn't have to be technically perfect to be succesful. Take Bright Eyes, their early stuff isn't recorded or mixed particularly "well", but in the end it all adds to the charm of the music. Obviously, that doesn't work for ALL bands or musicians, but it is perfectly valid to not spend time and money on YOUR music if YOU don't think it's worth it, or if that's not what you're looking for.

  9. In a related topic, the G string on ALL my guitars seems to break really easily. At first I thought it was my guitar, but I've realised it happens on all my guitars.

    Now, I don't really use the G string more than others for riffs, etc, so is it just that I strum like a reject? TOo hard on the G or something?

  10. I've got a couple of electro-acoustic guitars and I'm getting a bit pissed off paying 15 a pop for a set of Elixir strings. They are good, but there's got to be something decent out there for cheaper - I'm always a bit wary of ones like "Super-Duper Strings" for 2.99 though.

    Any thoughts?

  11. It's great. Good groove, a dark edge, cracking drum sound.

    Is that...yeah... Kimy being positive. Shoite.

    I agree though, it is good. The drums are quality, just not sure about the scratching.

  12. It took a few listens for me to think anything of it. One of the songs is basically "Hard now that its over" rewritten though... There are four or five really good songs on it.

    Ryan Adams has a lot of simillar songs. I think it's good, a helluva lot better than the pish he did with The Cardinals.

    Out of interest, what's with the "best thing since Heartbreaker" tag that flies around? Surely Gold is a much better record?

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