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Posts posted by scottyboy

  1. Chile and Mexico. Disagree they were lucky to beat Mexico, yes they were useless the first half, because it was 38 degrees, but dominated the last 30m and I was pretty confident they'd score. Mexico were lucky not to have given away at least one other penalty before the winner.

  2. Have France, Holland or Germany looked any more likely? 


    And don't forger the FIX FACTOR with Brazil.


    Erm, yes? The Netherlands has already beaten two teams which held Brazil. France were immense in the group stages and pretty comfortable against Nigeria; probably most likely winners for me. Germany not so much but still better than Brazil/Argentina imo. Belgium are finally looking powerful as well.

  3. I thought Argentina were pretty rank other than Messi.



    Yesterday did nothing to make me think a European side will win this thing.


    Can't see a European side not winning it, even with Brazil's home advantage. Would love it to be Colombia, which actually looks most likely of the three South Americans, but not sure they've really been tested much.

  4. I know a few people here teach english as a foreign language in various parts of Poland. 


    Which courses are legit/recognised/will get you a TEFL job? Tefl.org.uk are offering the courses at a discount just now - worth it?


    Depends on which part of Poland. Android is right that the Cambridge CELTA the "Trinity College" certificate are better recognised and accredited. You might need one of these to work for the British Council or any half decent school in the UK, maybe in Europe, and a relative handful of other schools around the world (the ones which just so happen to run these courses). Otherwise no one will give a crap whether you have a cert or not, and some volunteer teaching would probably be cheaper and give you more experience.

  5. Yougov is actually polling people on whether they think Suarez's ban is appropriate, it seems.


    In other controversies, anyone see the laser shone in the Russian goalie's eyes just before Algeria scored? Algeria might be in trouble over that, I'd have thought...

  6. So my boys are out, off to the gulag along with the Russians. Maybe.


    Tbh, I was pretty happy when the Algerians equalised, as it meant them going through rather than the turgid Russians. Looks like I'll be joining ca_gere in the 9th circle of hell.

  7. Was wanting Croatia to win, but fair play. They've just scored, bit late. I think they've still suffered from being robbed in the first game... Mexico were able to sit back and let Croatia knacker themselves before pouncing in the last 20 or 30m. 

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