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Posts posted by pogofish

  1. The SNP have always been a firmly left wing party although it is true that they have had to accomodate a small right wing element in their midst. When formed, one of the parties that merged to become the SNP was right wing, pro-independance. However, this was by far the smallest of the parties & frankly it barely qualified as one at all.

  2. You don't need a licence to be a tattooist...

    I read it somewhere before...was possibly an american site.

    Tattoo operations need to be licenced by the local council in the UK. Mainly for compliance with health & saftey & clean-working guidelines. Usually by environmental health but individual practice varies a bit. For conventions elsewhere, the home licence is usually deemed acceptable but apparently this year, Aberdeen insisted that each tattooist's workspace be registered as an individual tattoo studio in its own right for the duration of the convention at 80 a pop. The artists were pretty pissed-off about that & several didn't come because of it. Has given the organiser some worries about being able to stage it again but hopefully they will overcome.

    American practice varies widely - some places have next to no restrictions whilst other places are exceptionally & stupidly strict. Somewhere insists that they must hold a full medical degree!

  3. Not worth it at all.

    If you are going to contest it with anyone, why not get on to the council about their closing almost all the public bogs in the first place & putting us in a position where we sometimes have to go in the street.

    Either that, or the next time, go piss on the main door of St Nicholas House!

  4. Not a chance! The tattoists are all established & otherwise licenced professionals. Any work by new artists would only be non-permanent.

    If you are talking about the gear/supplies aspect, yes there is a trade room but again, you are going to need your licence to get in. General public/amateur artists are not welcome in there.

  5. Latest line-up from Efests


    Mystery Jets


    Forward Russia

    King Creosote

    Biffy Clyro

    Seth Lakeman


    Desmond Dekker

    Chris Difford

    Martha Wainwright

    Errol Linton's Blues Vibe

    Martin Stephenson and the Toe Rags

    I See Hawks in LA

    Tony Gilkyson

    Union Avenue


    The Moonshiners

    David Ogilvy

    Christina Kulukundis

    Joe West

    Feis Rois

    Arlo Guthrie

    & another source is claiming Belle & Sebastian as well

  6. no but i need t o have something to drink and brush my teeth and wash my face and stuff.

    I remember the year the supply at Chapel of Garioch failed. A truck turned-up & dropped-off a few pallettes with cases of big bottles of Evian. The water co decided this would do in the meantime. Within a few hours, cars from all sorts of places out of area were turning-up to fill their boots with a few cases. Barmy! :D

  7. Following a stint in hospital once, involving a prolonged period without food. As I began to recover, they fed me soup. As I'd been fed by drip, my guts took some time to get used to eating again & initially I would hurl just after eating. After a couple of weeks of this eat-puke-eat-puke cycle, I'd become unable to tell the difference between soup on its way up or down.

    To this day, the mere thought of soup is enough to make me heave!

  8. When did Bulgins become illegal?

    Absolutely yonks ago. I was eliminating them from theatre kit back in the late 80s/early 90s

    It wouldn't be illegal to buy & use them at home but if you were to put one on stage, no insurances would cover you & if you or anyone else got hurt/place damaged you & the responsable person at the venue could well face negligence charges.

  9. I'm more concerned about Milne and friends building endless more cheap' date=' horrible housing near the junctions of the bypass than I am about the bypass itself. [/quote']

    Another thing about the current route is that it will mean the lifting of planning restrictions on several swaithes of land that had previously been protected for the alternatives. One just south of Aberdeen, where Milne had a serious go at getting permission for a huge development in the mid-late 80's & another hard against Portlethen. I don't doubt that the old plans will resurface soon & am concerned that whatever the outcome for the road, he is going to have a bonanza anyway. :swearing:

  10. eBay has just stopped people selling tickets to football games' date=' I don't see why it should be any different for gigs. [/quote']

    Specific regs apply to football - indeed, if the ticket sales practices of many clubs were not subject to/protected by regulation, they would be liable for prosecution under at least the conditional purchasing regs.

    What about those boards where you can exchange tickets at face value? Would save unused tickets going to waste whilst undermining the touts.

    Although I have to say that it sounds a bit too close to sour grapes to me when the people who sell an often overinflated-price ticket to a commercial rip-off event, start moaning about someone else making even more cash out of it.

  11. The Vogons - A true role model for planners everywhere! :D

    Except that for many of the folk living along the route, it really is no excuse. Plenty of builders/building trade, architects, engineers etc - all folk who are well-versed in the arcane procedures of planning/building lore. Never mind a fair number of councillors & no small number of senior council officials.

  12. And then suddenly other routes became possibilities. Yes they were out there somewhere I'm sure but NOT easy to get hold of.

    From what I remember, there was little consideration given to any other route, except for the impractical, cheapo-option of beefing-up Anderson Drive. The Myrtle rote was the only one that reflected/complemented traditional traffic patterns in any effective way. The additional routes are merely recent innovations for consultation purposes & to give people the illusion of choice or a say in the matter.

  13. mmmkay. and isn't most of the kerfuffle about how the rich people's house prices will go down?? not all this farm stuff...

    Yes. IMO, the whole farming/Steiner issue is just a bit of a smokescreen for those who live north of the Deeside road - I doubt they would get much sympathy if they protested on their own terms as many of themare the very people whose buisness interests over the last 30 years have contributed so much to the traffic problems we face today.

    As long as I've known it, the council have dreaded going up against this lot as they have access to the legal skills & money to keep this whole thing in litigation for ages.

  14. It wouldn't surprise me if it would be more profitable up there' date=' once you consider the amount of EU money that's given to such areas.[/quote']

    Another aspect of organic farming is locality. The idea that we should not be wasting vast amounts of energy trucking.shipping/flying produce half-way rounf the country/world to where it gets sold.

    So from that POV, it would be better to have organic farms in close proximity to their market but in this case, I'd agree the bypass takes preceedence - I live on one of the proposed routes as well & would lose a something if it went ahead BTW.

    Then again, there is a significant part of the organic faction who consider that even paying for produce is enough to destroy its organic status but they do tend to be the yhogurt-knitting variety! :D

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