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Posts posted by LiamC

  1. Whilst doing my yearly studio clean i found a guitar body some pickups and all the hardware.

    Everyting minus the neck.

    Just wondering if anyone has a cheap ass nasty guitar neck i could shove on it. If it works and plays ok i plan on donating it to Garthdee Community Centre.

    If i cant get a neck going to make it into a wall clock :)

    But yeah rambling on has anyone got a cheap nasty neck ?

  2. get a cheap ass 2.1 surround sound kit from asda and just plug your ipod into it. pick em up for £15 the creative ones are actually pretty decent.

    Or failing that maplins sell active monitors for £30 a set just plug your ipod into that ive got both and i actually use the £30 monitors in my studio as the shitty speaker test, the results are good actually they arent that shit.

  3. Little competition to RnBs seems to be having effect already. Few amps now reduced in price to match the new shop and online RnB have replaced prices on Fenders with "cheapest in Scotland" - which I'm pretty sure they were not before!

    Its not the prices of Rnb that put me off. Its the fact you get stared at, looked down upon and bitched about after youve left.

    Theirs been many times ive been in and seen someone come in and ask a question, then as soon as theyve left, all the insults towards that person asking that question come about.

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