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Posts posted by Diesel

  1. Geez A Joab

    anyone know anywhere close to the town centre that are looking to take on summer stafF?

    im only 16 so bar work ect. is out of the question

    cheers in advance



    Got any IT skills or experience?

    I need an office junior.


  2. I, Ron, May Den.

    Maiden are what they are, a fun band, the Happy Meal of music, professionally wrapped, delivered and tasty, but with little substance.

    Not every band needs to be about bar-chord driven angst or art-house pretensiousness - there's room for all kinds of music....except manufactured chart pish, of course. Death to that.

    Whoops, I upset some wee troll with remarks about Will "The Poofy Cunt" Young and Girls Are Pish last time out.

    Better be careful, me and my opinions.


  3. Simon Paul

    Yep, a genius to be sure, and highly influential too.

    I loved the vid-joe for "Call Me Al" with Chevy Chase. Brilliant. Especially the bit where they stand up to play trumpets and Chase is about twice Simon's height :up:


  4. i am selling my Korg CR4 Multi-track Cassette Recorder.

    about 5 months old and good as new with box and all instructions. i think i used it abut four times.

    i got cubase and stuff for my b-day so i wont be using my four track anymore. its definately one of the best four tracks out there and the easiest ive used.

    selling for £100' date=' any one interested pm me or just give a holler on here.


    cheers, Davy!

    Cubase eh? - be sure and stock up on Nurofen, coz I got some serious headaches trying to set it all up o_O :swearing:

    Brilliant once you get it going tho :up:

    Good luck with the sale. 2 days ago, I would have bought it from you - but I finally got Cubase to work with my set up!


  5. Seems to me that the one thing you are missing is a quality acoustic... ;)


    Ahh....cooo....stic, hmm, is that that thing wi' the big hole in the middle and nowhere to plug in into your amp ??

    Yes, probably need one of those for those unplugged, mellow moments before the powerchords, with the shredding and the windmilling arms and the oh my ears!!...mahoiven-glaven.

    Dr Frink.

  6. I finihsed my finals today. it is the BEST FEELING EVER.

    down here we have little conitnouos assessment (0h dear bad speliling cant be aresd to corect) and thus these exams counted for mysost of my degree. AND I FINISHED TODAY. best feeling ever.


    may be alittle drunkd( no shit right) but ITS EFFLEELS SO GOOD.

    so i thought id share. cos ill be back in aberdeen infaeinldeniltely (indeginelyy? cnat say it. dammit) in THIRETEEDN DAYS. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    I hope tae f**k your weren't studying English Literature :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

    Anyhoodly-doodly, hope you pass your exams - been there done that and yes, it's a great feeling when it's all over.

    Advice - find yourself something exciting to do quickly, otherwise you'll hit a big anti-climatic slump. I made that mistake. Got lost for months - until alchohol and a lovely female Norwegian soldier called Hege found me. But that....is another story.


  7. sounds like u have global monitoring off IMO' date=' should be in em audio devices under properties but im not sure been a while since i used cubase, hope that helps, danny.[/quote']

    Thanks - I've gone a different route and the problem is now solved (got a whole heap of new ones tho !!!!)



  8. I still have not heard this song. I think that is a good thing too.

    You lucky, lucky person...

    It's bad, really bad, with a stomp-along rythym that reminds one of sing-a-long Nick Junior kiddie programmes.

    The delivery is embarassingly bad, like having to watch your sister a the local gala "talent" show.

    Once you hear it though, it'll go roond yer heid like a hairy worm and you'll humming it unconsciously...and then comes the self-loathing.


  9. Thandi Som

    I must say that this is one very well written article. :up:

    I laughed out loud several times whilst reading it.

    Sandi Thom is rather shite in my opinion...But its pop music' date=' so its to be expected. I can also quite believe that the whole webcast thing was a PR thing in an attempt to give her credability.

    But good luck to her[/quote']

    I laughed and I laughed - finally! someone who's more angry and miserable than me. He hit the nail right on the head with his vitriol about manufactured sentiment.

    I'm pleased that he also mentioned that minker anthem "Angels" by The Robbster - how many times has that piece of diabetes-inducing shite been used at a death-by-neglect, savaged-by-pet-pitbull, or eckied-smacked-cracked-to-death-during-school-hours kiddie funeral???

    Sandi's song is shite and I doubt very much if folks in the North East (or on this site) would be as forgiving if Miss Thom came from...oh...Milton Keynes or Cork or Swansea or somewhere not in Scotland???


  10. I have a issue with Cubase that I'd appreciate some help with.

    My current setup is: -

    PC with internal M-Audio Delta 1010 LT card

    Zoom G9.2tt Effects Board.

    Sony Surround Sound Processor.

    The M-Audio is set up as the default sound card

    Input : Zoom is connect to the PC via USB and has proprietry drivers.

    Output : The Sony amp get's it feed via the HW 1/2 jacks on the M-Audio card.

    Cubase : I'm starting with an "empty" project and adding an "audio" track. I can see an input level in Cubase from the Zoom, but there's no sound from Monitor or Playback.

    I know that the soundcard to amp setup is OK as I can play from Media Player and have been able to playback the Sony Acid Pro 5.0 sample track, but can I get it to work with Cubase....???

    I managed to get input, monitoring & output levels using the PC's OEM soundcard (SoundMax) and all was well apart form the 1-second latency!!!

    Help & thanks in advance.

    Ps - I'm a 15+ years Software Engineering veteran and this is embarrasing :dunce:

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