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Posts posted by Diesel

  1. As a change of pace, we added a a few rom/rom-coms to the watch list at the weekend.

    The Notebook

    Romance, about a elderly gent (James Garner) in an old folks home in the present day, who reads a story from a notebook to a fellow patient (Gena Rowlands) who suffers from alzheimer's.

    The story, set in the 1940's, tells of the difficult relationship between a rich girl (Rachel McAdams) and a working-class boy (Ryan Gosling) and follows their lives over the next 7 years.

    A good old fashioned 3-hankie weepie (I'm too fukkin NAILS to cry btw) and it's hard to imagine the skinny, fresh-faced Gosling here stamping someone's heid into a pulp in "Driver". 7/10

    Love And Other Drugs

    Enjoyable rom/com, set in 1996 around the advent of Viagra, about an underachiever (Jake Gyllenhal) who gets a job as a rep with drug giants Pfizer and starts a tempestuous relationship with a young Parkinsons sufferer (a rather hot-looking Anne Hathaway). The film involves Jake trying to get doctors to buy a Prozac competitor, dealing with his fat millionaire brother and either arguing or rattling the lovely Anne. Hilarious in parts. 7/10

    Crazy, Stupid, Love

    Easily the best of the bunch, this comedy start Steve Carrell as a mild-mannered (and boring) husband and father who falls apart when his wife (Julianne Moore) confesses to an affair with a colleague (Kevin Bacon) and asks for a divorce. A singles bar gigolo (Ryan Gosling) take pity on him and goes about restyling him and teaching him how to pick up women - with some hilarious results. Along the way both men discover things about themselves as do the other characters in the various sub-plots. 8.5/10


    This Canadian-made movie, set in WWI, is a kind of Saving Private Ryan Lite. Watchable if a little overlong. 6/10

    Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy

    Staying with Canada (eh?), it's just as well that the movie's title is prefixed with the authors name, because this poor Trainspotting clone bears almost no resemblance to the story on which it was based ("Undefeated" from the book Ecstasy). The movie is set in Edinburgh, but most of the cast are Canadian. The only faces you might recognise are Billy "Pippin" Boyd and Stephen McHattie (300, History of Violence) and, in a quite bizarre piece of casting, Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson as a Scottish doctor. The two main characters names are the same (Lloyd and Heather) and there's a wee scene at the end, but apart from that, the story is almost completely different to that in the book. 3/10

  2. Kill The Irishman

    Based-on-fact gangster drama about Danny Greene, who took on the Cleveland Mafia in the 70's. Starts off slowly, but develops into a pretty good fillum. I hadn't heard of the lead, Ray Stevenson (a Colin Firth looky-likey) before, but he does a good job as the enigmatic Greene. There's a decent supporting cast, including ole' Private Pyle himself - Vincent D'Onofrio, Christopher Walken, Vinnie Jones, Steve Schirippa (Soprano's Bobby Baccala) and any number of recognisable gangster movie regulars. 7.5/10

    The Cabin In The Woods

    Where do I begin with THIS stoor o' pish? Starts out shite, gets a LOT worse before a brilliant ending. 3/10 for the first 75% and 10/10 for the last quarter.

  3. Horrible Bosses

    Excellent comedy. Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrel are all brilliant as the ridiculously over the top shit bosses. Enjoyed Jamie Foxx's performance as well.

    We watched this the other night. I carry an EpiPen with me, so the "stabbing" scene was particularly funny for me. Jennifer Aniston has some brilliant lines.

  4. For sale, a boutique overdrive pedal in excellent condition. Works with 9, 12 or 18v power. I've just scored a Fulltone GT500, so this great-sounding and tank-like piece of chrome is now surplus to requirements. Sexy blue LED as well :)

    Absolute bargain at a fixed price of £50


  5. Wild Bill

    Urban drama set in East London (around the Olympic village) and starring Charlie Creed-Miles as Wild Bill, a minor gangster just released from an 8-year stretch in prison, who comes home to find that his wife has abandoned their kids. His 15-year-old son has been taking taking care of the younger brother by skipping school and working illegally on the construction of the Velodrome. A superb and gritty wee movie with great performances all round and an especially endearing one from Creed-Miles. It also has what is quite possibly the best bar fight ever - right up there with Jake The Muss' epic cunt-kicking of a thug in "Once Were Warriors". Get a hold of this movie if you can. 9/10

  6. Hi, looking at the Yamaha website, it looks like all you'll need is the Yamaha speaker stand kit - http://usa.yamaha.com/products/live_sound/speakers/passive_speakers/ss238b/?mode=model

    It's a pity the speakers don't (appear to) have the hole in the base for a standard 35mm pole fitting, as you can get a good lightweight pair os stands off the 'Net for £35 quid with a gig bag.

    Hopefully the Yamaha kit won't be too extortionate.

    Fitting should be dead simple - most PA kit is made for easy assembly/disassembly.


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