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Parity's Fall

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Posts posted by Parity's Fall

  1. yeah but even by doing that its not going to look as good as it would getting them professionally done, unless you have amazing equipment.

    And if we were to do that, taking into consideration the cost of a decent printer, hundreds of sheets of glossy paper, ink, cds, booklets etc, it would probably end up costing way more than it would to get them professionally done. Especially since we want around 500-700!

    Companies like the one Graham mentioned before can charge you as little as 85p per Cd ("shop quality")...depeding on the quantity you order them in.


  2. hey there!

    Anyone interested in taking an epiphone sg off my hands?

    I think its the sg310 model but couldnt be sure. Just recently restrung and is in pretty good condition.

    Its a nice guitar but just not the sound i'm looking for unfortunatly because i do still like it. My first guitar so sad to see it go, but needs be!

    100. (or nearest offer)

    Thanks, any questions feel free to pm me and i'll get back to you as quick as possible.

  3. hello there! just wandering if anyone out there happens to be wanting to get rid of their telecaster but was having trouble selling it.

    if so, i'll happily take it off your hands for some bucks. A mexican would do fine.

    Thanks, matt

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