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Van Cruden

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Everything posted by Van Cruden

  1. I'm looking for a band! Hopefully playing something with an 80's synthpop sound but with a modern twist although I'm open to any other ideas. I'm 22 and I 'play' synth, although I'm not talking graded piano here, so if you're after a proper ivory tinkler I'm not your man. But if you do want someone who can play a decent melody and muck about with laptop sounds etc... then I can do that! I also play guitar and have played for about ten years in a variety of bands mostly just doing covers stuff. Plus I can do vocals. Like I say looking to get involved in an original project, get away from playing in cover bands. I'm happy to join something that's already started or start something from scratch. Give me a shout if any of the above sounds interesting!
  2. Any vocalists out there living in Aberdeen about to move to Edinburgh and in need of a new band? Maybe you're off to Uni? I suppose it's a longshot but it must be worth a try... So yeah I'm in an electronica/rock band thing and we need a vocalist to complete the line-up. We've got a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist and even a drummer! But still no vocals unfortunately. I've got a couple of MP3's here of stuff we've already written; I can't really think of any immediate comparisons, maybe like Pendulum but not as abrasive? More towards the Daft Punk/Justice spectrum of things... Anyway if you're at all by any chance interested then please do e-mail me. Male or female are welcome and anyone around the age range of 20 would be perfect! rsm.5588@btinternet.com Thanks!
  3. Normally I just lurk around these forums reading stuff and never posting, but reading this thread about 9/11 conspiracies made me think of this brilliant cartoon and I couldn't resist putting it up here: 'The Truth About 9/11' Taken from: http://www.filibustercartoons.com/
  4. I'm afraid though we've already got two guitarists, myself included, in the band But good luck with finding something. I'm sure something'll come up for ya', there's bound to be more folk in Aberdeen looking to play some proper 80's glam rock. If we ever are in need of an extra guitarist we'll give you a shout though. Cheers!
  5. Seriously we've not got nothing against bassists, in fact we love bassists and we really, really want one for gigging, the occassional laugh and a few beers. Luck just seems to be against us it seems. Third time lucky though hopefully... Ok, so we're Rebel Thunder and have been trying in vain for the past few months to find a bassist. We found one back in December but she left and so we advertised here for a new bassist, got two replies but neither have really worked out and materialised into anything so here we are again. We're heavily influenced by bands such as Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, Kiss, Poison, Motley Crue, Bon Jovi, basically we love anything that rocks. All we want is someone who can play a bass guitar and is prepared to come along to a practice once a week most likely on a Sunday night. Skill level means nothing to us and as for age, probably no older than around 21/22, but if you're older/younger then we won't discriminate if you meet all the other criteria because at the end of the day age is a minor thing. We play both covers and original material (the original material has no bass lines so you have creative freedom there). So if you're interested give me a shout, either PM me or drop a line in this thread. I check by everyday. We're also practicing this Saturday at Captain Tom's from 3-6pm so if you're interested in a jam feel free to come by and ask for us. I think that should be everything, any questions feel free to ask. Cheers!
  6. The story so far: we posted an ad a few months back looking for a bassist, got someone who was a bassist and could play, did a lot of practising, then the bassist left and now we're once more bassist-less. So Rebel Thunder are looking for a brand new bass player to fill the musical hole left by our lack of a bass player. We play covers and have recently been flexing our creative muscles and cobbled together a few "original" tracks. Basically it's 80's (some 70's) rock we play; Iron Maiden, Van Halen, Poison, Kiss, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Neil Young, Thin Lizzy, you get the idea. Age-wise, we're probably looking for someone younger than 21 or in than sort of age range. Just that the last bassist quit 'cause they felt too old compared to the rest of us, although we'd never dismiss anyone who had the interest and motivation purely based on age. So if playing full on cock-rock is your thing and you happen to own and are able to play a bass guitar at a level of reasonable compentency then you've just found your perfect match. Drop a line here or send a PM or an e-mail if your interested, I check by here everyday. Should also add we practice at Captain Tom's usually on a Sunday between 8pm and 10pm (although no practice today). Should be back practicing next Sunday (12/02/06), so if your interested you can always drop by. Cheers!
  7. Are you a bassist with an interest in playing 80's rock from the likes of Van Halen, Aerosmith, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Steve Vai, Ozzy Osbourne, with a little 70's Led Zeppelin and Thin Lizzy thrown in? If you answered yes, then we need you! Ok a cheesy opening but you get the point. We desperately need a bassist so we can get back to playing. There's currently four of us, two guitarists, a drummer and a singer and we've all got decent enough gigging experience. With an age range of 17 through to 21 we're not too fussy about how old you are and we don't care whether your male or female just as long as you can play Based in Aberdeen - well I myself am in Fraserbugh but thanks to the wonder of the car I can make it through for practices without a problem - with our singer down in Stirling we can generally practice around once a week to once a fortnight - maybe more, unlikely to be less. It's nothing serious we just want some good fun. So if your interested just state your intentions here and we'll get in touch. Thanks Edit: BTW, we have no name, so if you join you'll get a say in naming the band...
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