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Posts posted by clakemcrobb

  1. you have a dance, you jump around, if someone falls over you pick them up. of course there is an ettiquete, im not saying you go throwing fists, and the circle pits were p00r, but all the same, being chucked around is fun. if youre waa waaing about it then stand at the back, simple as, and let the idiots you are speaking about injure themselves. as for people saying pushing people in isnt cool, i get pushed in all the time, im not one of the biggest guys at all, and i do get pushed around, but thats where all the fun is. no kicking, no punching, just a general thrash. live with it, and if you dont mind some bruises in the morning, then go for it and have a good time, otherwise, seeyi.

  2. aye lads

    needing a thrash (punk/ska/mod)

    NOFX/distillers/rancid/clash/ramones/misfits/dead kennedys/damned/sublime/blink/whitmore/madness/the specials/the jam/the who/ordinary boys are only some of my influences

    i wanna do covers, write songs, whatever. i need a good thrash, and punk, ska and mod musicians are very hard to come by these days, seemingly anyway.

    please reply if you are in the slightest bit interested in playing in a band that will be energetic/fast/loud and offensive, with a bit of reggae/soul on the side

    i want brass/guitars/bass/even another drummer who i could step down to and i could sing.

    anyone can sing punk, right?

    i need something serious going guys, help me.



  3. Hey,

    i can drum

    have done so for 3-4 years.

    how often, and where is practice?

    im 16 , have a job and am sitting 5 highers so my commitment would be that of a busy 16 year old with a job who is sitting five highers. that good enough?

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