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Posts posted by timson

  1. me and two guys have had a couple time wastin' drummers who we have gave up on now!!!

    if any of you drummers are up for a session at captain t's sometime and see how things go gimme a shout if ya want to know more!!!



  2. i've had one stop me on my way to work once, i was early so i decided to hear him out

    he asked if i believed in god

    i said no

    he asked why

    i said "because science proves that god did not create the world, it was the big bang"

    he said it was god that did the big bang

    i said wait, no didnt he take seven days to create the world and not thousands of years for it to form from rocks and lava?

    he went silent and then asked if i'd like to carry this conversation on at my house sometime, me thinking this seemed a bit homosexual thought it was odd since they are homophobic, said no and carried on with my way to work

    just thought i'd share that with you all

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