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Posts posted by saf-one

  1. More nice things written about Stricken City:

    "In those innocent days before Pro Tools, click tracks and laptop recordings, the eighties produced a generation of studenty bands with a simple DIY ethic and only rudimentary musical skills who strummed away on effect-free jangly guitars and a simple hi-hat and snare rhythm. Stricken City are a splendid throwback to more innocent times where enthusiasm and the joy of being in a band counted for everything. Thankfully they also have some jolly tunes to back it up. Formed in the Midlands and now based in London, the quartet is fronted by the jittery, just-got-out-of-bed-haired goddess Rebekah Raa. Tak O Tak combines the yearning simplicity of The Sundays and touches of the Sugarcubes with Raas Bjorkish hiccups and the bands C86-friendly indie guitar pop is tickled with vintage synth. Other tracks reveal some slowburn dynamics and Postcard-style pop nuggets."


    "We stumbled across London's Stricken City while doing our regular check up on Adventures Close To Home and had a hard time initially deciding whether we were going to get into them or not. Ultimately, lead singer/Korg-er Rebecca Raa's awkward dancing and rad voice led us to do believe that, yes, we will get into it."

    The Fader


  2. I know there's a few damn talented photographers on here and I was hoping to maybe get some advice.

    I'm looking for a new digital camera.

    A compact one and looking to spend no more than 200.

    Any recommendations?

    I'm keen to get one which is particularly good at taking photos with no flash.

    The reason being that I take alot of photos at gigs etc and, as you'll know, using a flash bleaches out the pic.

    But pretty much any digital camera I've used with out a flash to take a pic of a band or what ever, because of the longer exposure, comes out blurry :down:

    Anyone know of a compact digital camera on the market now which is particularly good with out a flash?

    If it was your money what would you buy?

    Thanks in advance.


  3. That's a nicer poster. Thumbs up :up::)

    Cheers. Ill past the compliments to the chef... (graf designer). :up:

    Sum cool stuff written about SC:

    "Loose limbed guitar-pop magic... manna to the ears and a ctrl-alt-delete on the musical torpor that is always so close at hand. Stricken City have a floppy, just-short-of-fully-formed form that is beyond endearing and reaks of tiny record labels, the Festive Fifty and musty record shops down back alleys. Tak O Tak effortlessly unfolds as a gorgeous three minutes of lens-flare pop, made all the more palatable by Raas voice, which achieves the perfect balance of being exemplary without drowning in its own excellence. Restore your faith in indie with this fab, slightly ramshackle four-piece. More please."

    The Times


  4. Was lucky enough to go up on Sat and Sun last weekend.

    Sat: Conditions went from clear to gale force white out every 20 min. Only opened Bucharts and the Sunny Side pomma. Still had a good day.

    Sun: Although very busy. Condtions were brilliant. Everything open, sunny and clear blue skys. Glass Moal was rockin and not so busy so was there pretty much all day.

    Check it...



  5. So for anyone who is planning on going the line up for Oxygen has been announced which is the same weekend and tends to be a reflection of T. The headliners for Oxygen are The Killers, Snow Patrol and Kings of Leon which doesnt really make me want to go for the headliners but we'll see. Any thoughts?

    Fukin dull as dishwater!! But dosent surprise me at the same time as they're all on the "festival circuit" as they all have new/ish albums out. :down:

    DF/T has a retainer with Bowie after he had to cancel a few years back...so fingers crossed this will be the year and save the show.


  6. marchblackaw5.jpg

    Friday 6th March @ Snafu 11pm - 3am

    Let It Bleed presents:



    Mixes and remixes here: lesac.wordpress.com

    One half of the chart smashin combo Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip is in town to play some of his dance floor filling beats he's famed for. Check out some of Dan ace mixes and remixes by hitting the links. Expect decks, effects, samples, mash up bootlegs, electronica, beats and lots of dancing.


    PLAYDOE on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads

    Hailing from South Africa, Playdoe's protagonists Spoek and Sibot/DJ Fuck ventured to Paris and New York on their quest to channel an array of global dance and urban influences. The result, a sound with heady ingredients such as French disco, old skool hip hop, pulsating Casios, ghetto-tech, Missy meets B-More filth and alll embracing urban electro.

    Their EP IT'S THAT BEAT is out now on Try Harder Records.

    Critically acclaimed by NME (8/10), Mixmag (8/10) Guardian and Fader. And containing re-rubbs by the likes of Dan Le Sac and Toxic Avenger, its insistent hooks, juddering electro and an MC imploring all manner of after hours misdemeanour, put simply, its dancefloor gold.

    Support From Aberdeens finest beat master Giles Walker

    Advance tickets available from One Up, Five and TICKETWEB


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