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Mark Nicol

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Posts posted by Mark Nicol

  1. I think its a case of the council wasting money. The Lemon Tree WAS refurbished by the council around 15 years ago to provide the city with a purpose built music venue. I think they should be investing the money in decent management FOR the Lemon Tree.

  2. I used to know the head tutor guy there - JoJo Gould, he used to be involved with Nemis too. Do you know anything about the way the industry works? - A&R, publishing, marketing and promotion etc? I'd speak to a few A&R guys, both in publishing and record companies. get a feel on what they're up to. Also get practicing on your instrument. They'll be looking for people with the potential to go on and do something after the course has finished, so try and have a firm idea on what you want to acheive during and after the course has ended.

    I'll see if I can rake out the E-mail address for David Hagan, who is an A&R guy for Sony / BMG, I think he was on that course, and is a pretty cool guy and Im sure he would give you some good advice.

  3. Are you talking about a music course? I'm familiar with the auditions at the jewel and esk college near Edinburgh, modern musicianship course. Auditions are pretty informal. They have a chat with you, then get you to give your chosen instrument a bash, asking about your influences etc. That course is pretty varied and includes thing like music law and marketing etc. Is it a course similar to that?

  4. Has anyone heard the 'album' that was made after Loaded? Squeeze I think it was called (1973), mainly Doug Yule, although I think it went out in the guise of the velvets. It's total garbage. I think the best post velvets stuff by anyone involved is Berlin by Lou Reed. The songs for drella album's pretty good too.

  5. Got any photos of the new place/setup? Love a good nosey.....

    Hi Keilan, no photos yet. It's pretty cool though. Ive converted our steading, the control room is upstairs, live room downstairs. Its a bit bigger than the old Exile studio. Has a big bar at the back, roaming views over the countryside and all that. Had the upstarts in recording a single, Parity's fall were in doing a live demo, have a Glasgow band called Scunner in this weekend. How's all your bands doing?

  6. Hi there, the Exile studio is now taking bookings for the T-break competition. We have a good record of bands that we've had in actualy playing at T-in the park. Last year we had 3 - The Flying Matchstick Men, Staccato set and AKA the Fox, the year before we had 2, The Needles and Josephine (who both headlined the T-break stage).

    We've moved out near Banchory, and we are now fully residential, sleeping 5, and residential prices include fine cooked meals.

    Although the studio has been operational for the last few weeks, its not been finished, but its nearing completion now. Our web site's not been updated for a while, but there's some MP3s up there - http://www.exilestudio.co.uk

    Our Email address is xilestudio@aol.com We have a few bands booked in over the next cople of months, the majority from Glasgow, so it would be good to see some Aberdeen bands at T in the park this year. Obviously I'm talking about recording a demo for sbmission to the T-break competition, and not about taking bookings to play!



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