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Posts posted by Brymon

  1. Offshore the mo so i missed the Hibs game, however i seen the last 20 mins on the box, and can't believe how they performed. Thats the way they played against Utd, but better, if we played like that week in week out we would be right up there. Lets hope JC keeps the same team against Killie, well apart from maybe Diamond if he's fit!!

    Cant wait to go to that yin!!

  2. Im Converted. I used to be Pro Evo all the way, however i downloaded both demo's and i prefered FIFA! I also love playing as the Dons and playing be a pro online is fucking excellent!! Has anyone else tried that? If you get a few decent people on your team that pass the ball about it ace fun, had a couple of close games and also scored a couple of crucial goals!! You feel great about doing your bit for the team!! :up:

  3. You sonofabitch! How about Britain's best kept secret until their most coherent and accessible albums coincided with a vapid scene which they stood head and shoulders above.

    I have to agree, one of my fave memories is watching Pulp at Ingleston 1995, what a fuckin performance! Definetly one of the better bands in the 90's!

    Not as good as Shed Seven mind!!!:D

  4. Buy it, its stunning, Haunting, etc. (Not good at this) Its fuckin brilliant. Definetly the best album of 2007 for me. I can't see any albums bein better this year or maybe the next few years.

    Bubblegum (My personal favorite Mark Lanegan) is greatly surpassed here. Please check it out!

    The Video for Revival!

  5. I cant wait for this gig the night, io fucking love Shed Seven!! Witter is a Legend!

    Seriously though, im so happy to be seein them again. This will be the 16th time i've seen them in 12 years, the first time was at the Lemon Tree in 1995!!

    Thought they went a bit pish after the Album Let it Ride. But hey who cares ill still be right at the front the night!! :up:

  6. Ive got Planet Terror and Death Proof R1 DVD's, ive had them both for the past couple of months. Machete is the only trailer on them and that was on the Planet Terror DVD.

    Yeah also the are making Machete, Robert Rodreguez is directing, i belive Eli Roth may be making Thnksgiving (which is another spoof trailer) but that could be just a nasty rumer!

  7. I've been playin it for the best part of the day. I like it, it's not without it's flaws though. Graphics could be better, the frame rate is a bit shit ie it jerks now and again and once you get into your ship and travel the galaxy, when you assemble you team and go out onto planets you've gotta go all the way back to your ship to change them if you want, which is a bit of a pain in the arse!

    However its massive, the plot's pretty good and there is heaps to do!! Ill be playing this for a while me thinks!

  8. See it! Awesome movie, i loved every minute of it. However i watched the normal version not the 3D version which is also out. Could be quite interesting in 3D.

    Just don't take any young kids, i know it's a 12A, but i think it should have been a 15. OK it's animated but it's violent as fuck, scary and there is quite a lot of sex references. I felt uncomfortable last night with the children that were in. Anyway still go and see it.

    If just to see an animated Angelina Jolie naked!:up:

  9. I had great fun!! A weekly Ab Music Halofest is a great idea! Tuesdays aren't the best day for me as i go offshore on a wednesday! However ill try my very best to attend. It was such an enjoyable couple of hours. :up:

  10. Just found custom games, that'll do.

    I guess once people start appearing online I'll just invite them into a party (this only works if you accept the friend request I sent as Folkedoff the other day. Unless someone else has everyone added and actually knows what they're doing? Otherwise we can just discuss the game type once the party is created.

    BTW communicators are to be encouraged I think. If for no other reason than so we can get games set up everyone will enjoy.

    That maybe a struggle! im sure everyone will be able to agree!!

  11. Hmmm, looking at the matchmaking options just now. Is there any way of setting up a large private game? Seems to just be through the rumble pit with a 6 person party maximum, unless we do team slayer, skirmish or big team battle.

    You can defo get 16 player on Team slayer, i didn't really check anything else out. Thats a bit of a pity!!

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