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Sam 45

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Posts posted by Sam 45

  1. My old flatmate was from edinburgh and he said with a militant straight face that anyone who didn't like chippy sauce was scum, he also got really frustrated when people called it a chipper. Really unfortunate for a guy moving to aberdeen really. I love glasgow chippers, mountains of chips and two sausages for like 2. Even when i'm not hungry i'll get one, can't beat that kind of quality service.

    The quality hugely compromises though. Chippers in Glasgow are nowhere near as good as the ones in Aberdeen.

  2. Mine's is not really that exciting. It was for a cocktail competition at the bassment. Shot with two crappy DV handicams and imovie, before HD youtube. It must have gotten embedded somewhere because the view count just hiked from zero to about 20-30k in a day or so.

    Edit: looking at it now, it's so old that youtube doesn't have the views graph for the 1st year it was online.

    Thats a classic vid, had no idea you did it. It is one of the top results when you search 'bar flair' on YouTube, so that might be the reason it attracted so many views.

  3. Regarding goalkeepers - do you think it matters what league they play in? Like if there are good English goalies in the Championship should they not get into the squad? If you have people getting shots on target and firing in crosses then you have to deal with them whether it is from Man U players or Scunthorpe players. Ken fit I mean?

    That's quite an interesting point. It'd be interesting to see what some goalkeepers with experience at different levels have to say about it - David James after a season in the Championship for example.

    I remember that season Aberdeen started with about 6 clean sheets and i was calling for David Preece to be called up to the England squad. Clutching at straws...

  4. I enjoyed this film and just finished reading the book it was based on. Worth a read if you like the film.

    If you liked that you should get John Krakauer's other booking 'Into Thin Air'. Its about the 1996 Everest disaster. Really, really good.

  5. Have put off Parks and Rec. Downloaded the first season of Fringe and three episodes in I can tell I'm going to get hooked.

    However, it's very difficult when they do close-ups of Walter Bishop talking to not just see Lord Denethor of Gondor.

    Get back on the Parks and Rec boat, i love it. Started Generation Kill last night, watched the first 3 parts, pretty good so far.

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