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Sam 45

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Posts posted by Sam 45

  1. Im surprised clubs arn't doing more stuff like a 10 game pass. Buy this ticket and it allows you entry to 10 games. You might go to 10 in a row or you might sporadically go over the course of a season. In a city like Aberdeen where a lot of potential pittodrie goers work offshore for large parts of the season, this could entice them knowing that they'll get 10 games in or so. The club benefits from the money being paid for up front ect...

  2. How is the EPL a 2 team race? Don't be ridiculous just to painfully continue emphasising your point.

    4 teams have only ever won the Prem. And if you take away Blackburn, its basically been a rotation of Arsenal, Man U and Chelsea. Which i know is not 2 teams, but you kind of get where i am coming from.

  3. The first ever gig you ever attended. - Stereophonics at the Music Hall circa 2000.

    The best gig you ever attended. - My mind always draw a blank when this question is asked. However, the one that always sticks in the memory is Stapleton at the City Function Suite. I didn't think i'd see them play again and they announced a short UK tour to coincide with their last album release. There was only about 60 folk there, the venue was ace, probably the best vibe i've ever witnessed. Drove down with Skacel, Zippy and RossP. Met up with Maxi in Dundee, everyone singing the words ect

    The worst ever gig you ever attended. - Working in-house sound has meant iv seen some pretty bad ones. The most recent memory is the open stage reggae jam i worked a few months ago. 7 hours of constant reggae with no stops.

    The first ever gig you ever played. School talent show, doing a RHCP cover, with a wireless system - what a total mess.

    The best ever gig you ever played. - Probably doing the APB support at the Lemon Tree in 2006.

    The worst ever gig you ever played. - A show i put on in Cellar 35, it clashed with Idlewild at Moshulu so was totally dead. It was embarrassing enough having Juliet Kilo and State of Affairs playing to no people. When we went on we played to drunk family and friends, hated every minute of the set...not to mention we were really bad anyway.

  4. The worst ever gig you ever played - My old band Juliet Kilo played a Dundee vs Glasgow all dayer at Sleazys which was organised by the lovely This Is Our Battlefield folks. We got stuck in traffic en route to Glasgow for about 3 hours. We finally arrived, went straight on stage and chucked a shit fit; the drum kit fell over mid-song, we simultaneously forgot what we were all playing in another song and everyone in the crowd looked either mildly irritated or amused at our collective meltdown. The rest of the day was great though!

    Did Glasgow win then? I was actually thinking about this show not long ago, even though i wasn't there.

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