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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Ibuprofen, Tyrozets, cold drinks and Manuka honey, and I still cannot seem to shake this sore throat. Fucking killing me since Monday :(
  2. If there's a finer crisp anywhere in the world than these I'd be surprised. These are perfect. @richardosman https://t.co/9yJBWpwcuC
  3. In the interest of full disclosure I should point out it was her choice.
  4. Is Abe Vigoda genuinely dead this time? If so I smell dead pool points.
  5. Is it wrong that I keep accidentally calling Jose Aldo "Aldo Montoya"? #toomuchwrestling #UFCVegas @PJPOLACO #UFC194
  6. It's a shame Caitlyn Jenner turned out to be such an arsehole.
  7. It's funny how Geri Halliwell isn't in the spotlight any more, but still manages to annoy the fuck out of me just from memory.
  8. It's takes a real piece of shit to use a tragedy like today's to shill a book. Take a bow @glennbeck https://t.co/e0Sh9W94dr
  9. Ive always taken good care of my teeth, I don't know why they're such jobbers. Seriously I'm running out of teeth. https://t.co/AssSjAAeFT
  10. Jamie Foxx really seems like the dumbest fucking guy who's ever lived. He seems to be in a constant state of child-like wonder.
  11. Just watched the Kiera Knightley / Mark Ruffallo film "Begin Again", which was unexpectedly lovely.
  12. Kurt Cobain's voice on "Where Did You Sleep Last Night" . #chills
  13. Last night I farted so loud the dog two doors up starting barking. That's my proudest moment right there.
  14. Managed 42 minutes of Bad Grandpa. What a load of shite.
  15. My Fantasy F1 team for 2016 on @BadgerGP ..... this is my year! https://t.co/6PBN6NaWUw
  16. My Last fm makes for pretty strange reading at times. In the past hour I've gone from Slayer to Le Tigre to Lady Gaga.
  17. My top 20 artists of 2015. I did not embrace much new music in 2015.... :-/ #musicwasbetterinmydaygrumblegrumble https://t.co/3TI2YZKCgr
  18. Nobody takes offence quite as spectacularly as Rangers fans. #sevco
  19. Or letting people off the tram before you go barging on.
  20. Pointless stat of the day award... https://t.co/NC8X42L8fb
  21. Reading @StephenKing is like my security blanket.
  22. Remember that time Mick Foley retired then wrestled in a Fatal 4 way at the very next PPV?
  23. Remember when Jive Bunny was a thing and 10 year olds were dancing around listening to Glenn Miller?
  24. RIP "Mr Nice" Howard Marks. https://t.co/am3G3A2bzW
  25. RIP Father Jack Hackett. #drinkfeckarsegirls https://t.co/TTEwmeXs48
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