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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Football done. Snoozed through some of it. Bed time.

  2. I really really like the video for Kasabian's "Eez-Eh". Forgot all about that band. I was really into them around their first album.

  3. Hey @kevinbridges86 what's your favourite bridge? #bridgetweets

  4. Took the Hoover apart because it wasn't working. There was a pen lodged in it. Someone in my household thought they could Hoover up a pen.

  5. I miss Winter. @IMPACTWRESTLING should bring her back. @katarinasinfamy

  6. Here's one I photoshoped earlier. Don't look to closely at that window. In fact, don't look at the window at all. http://t.co/duFoPzDxiz

  7. I do wish I had picked a nicer backdrop for that photo. Nothing says common quite like a boarded up window.

  8. I don't normally post selfies, but look how awesome I am today. http://t.co/vcw9kb2a89

  9. I'm not at all convinced all the people in this bar wearing Italy shirts are actually Italian.

  10. Going out to watch the match tonight with a few English lads. Probably shouldn't wear Italy shirt. Definitely shouldn't wear Italy shirt.

  11. A few years ago on a stag weekend in Poland I made @stonefish100 listen to the Shangri-Las for the whole weekend. I think he loved it.

  12. I fancy trying this MT @MirrorFootball: World Cup challenge: Drink a beer from EACH country in the World Cup, http://t.co/9lPFGNO6nW

  13. Log into Google+ with a disused account, straight away Google suggests I add some porn spam. Nice one Google. (NSFW) http://t.co/Ndq6hsV6Xf

  14. The good thing about shopping in @AldiUK is you can use the money you saved on food to buy a bottle of gin when you get to the checkouts.

  15. If anyone happens to find a red Adidas rucksack that I lost in 2000, could you let me know? It has my Sony Walkman in it and I want it back.

  16. If there's two things I like, it's huge breasts.

  17. Inept hit-man assasination attempts 5 - successful hits 0. #PrisonBreak

  18. Just started watching Prison Break. These hit men are the most inept hit men ever. So far, 4 attempts, 0 kills.

  19. There goes my 3-0 prediction. #WorldCup2014

  20. WORLD CUP DAY!!!!!!!!

  21. I got 99 problems but a red balloon ain't one.

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