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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. #ios9 just what I needed, more crap apps I don't want taking up precious space on my phone.
  2. #JB22, my favourite driver, winner of my favourite race ever, do us a favour @McLarenF1 and sign him up! #BelieveInJenson @JensonButton
  3. #nowwatching "The American Scream" on @NetflixUK. Getting my money's worth today after binge watching Prison Break all afternoon.
  4. #OITNB, cherries, yoghurt, fig rolls and walnuts. Settled in for the night. Don't let me down tonight XBox Live.
  5. #scenes in Dublin. I'm not enjoying them.
  6. #sevco. Truly the gift that keeps on giving. #letsalllaughatrangers
  7. #SurvivorSeries was Shenanigans Series. DQs, interferences, squash matches. Entertaining but I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
  8. .@BenFolds tonight in Dublin, with orchestra. I've been looking forward to it for so long. Super excited. My 4th time seeing him live.

  9. .@Casy151 or to call him by his real first name, Para Bailar La. @BBCMOTD

  10. .@Discworldshoppe The wife was delighted with her present this morn. The envelope more than the contents I think! http://t.co/DkD2Dl5T0n

  11. .@DribbleThing once French-kissed a bulldog.

  12. .@fightlikeapes tonight, @DropkickMurphys tomorrow. My St Patrick's is going to be better than yours.

  13. .@JamesBlunt "You're Beautiful" was about me, right?

  14. .@KermitTheFrog what's green and smells like bacon? #askkermit

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