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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Lost two lives v Dr Robotnik in the Labyrinth Zone. Urgh.

  2. #nowwatching "The American Scream" on @NetflixUK. Getting my money's worth today after binge watching Prison Break all afternoon.
  3. It occurs to me that I haven't seen Muppets Most Wanted yet and I'm not sure why that's happened.

  4. Hey @SkySportsNews, care to explain the relevance of the closing sentence in this match report? http://t.co/nfmqdknyIh

  5. When I was like 12, 13 I tried so hard to be Zack Morris.

  6. Ears being battered by the Joe Duffy show and the taxi driver ranting along with it. I hate Joe Duffy and the mongs who phone in.

  7. Funny the only people to have to take their shoes and jewellery off at ABZ airport security this morning were the two women in Muslim dress.

  8. Aberdeen. I'm in Pret-A-Manger, min.

  9. Guys I'm serious, it hurts when I poop.

  10. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (13), Kasabian (11) & Reverend Horton Heat (8) http://t.co/x3DKPmatcP

  11. Watching TITP highlights from 2013. Holy fuck #Stereophonics suck. It's like being hit in the ears with a shit-filled snowball.

  12. Someone at @AerLingus is getting an angry letter.

  13. Infant on bus absolutely screaming its head off. Mother sitting opposite completely ignoring it except to give it occasional hateful glares.

  14. RT @NullAnneVoid: The English national anthem is like jump around by house of pain, everybody only knows the lyrics to the first line.

  15. Someone told me there's new Doritos. Is this true? This is important stuff.

  16. Time for TNA #Slammiversary. I've managed to avoid the results all week waiting for it to be on tv. Let's go @gailkimITSME!

  17. Or more accurately: excuse me Australia, WTF are you doing?

  18. Taps aff in Dublin today. Phew! http://t.co/H85K085GOQ

  19. I like Bullet For My Valentine and I don't care who knows it.

  20. I found Spirograph in a shop for 3 quid! It's still awesome as fuck. http://t.co/EdlLVbhkbv

  21. The gents at my work is being renovated so we have to use the ladies. Even with permission to be in there I feel like a weirdo perv.

  22. Somehow I've managed to blag a new role at work as some kind of Excel specialist / expert. I hope Google works at my new desk.

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