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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Been invited to a BBQ next weekend and as a relatively recent vegetarian, no idea what I can bring along to eat. Foodies/veggies- any ideas?

  2. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: Little Green Cars (28), Wonder Villains (15) & The Vaccines (12) http://t.co/x3DKPmatcP

  3. That was a stonewaller. How does he get booked for diving when Robben has been throwing himself at the floor all night?

  4. The last two World Cup matches I watched finished 0-0, and I missed the start of this game (and both goals). I want to see a fucking goal!

  5. Every Centra cronut I've had has been stale and disappointing. I just got a fresh, soft one and it was life-changing. http://t.co/HOTXVwIuF6

  6. RT @AHalpin1: @5ea5erpent not today, somebody has to take the title of Marlay Park girl!

  7. Not much makes me happier than listening to the #RockyHorror Picture Show soundtrack. Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me!

  8. I downloaded a Ben Folds Five album recently called "Naked Baby Photos" and now I'm worried Operation Yewtree will be watching me.

  9. Amused myself for a full 30 minutes with the #rightinthepussy hashtag on Vine tonight. Go check it out. It's funny!


  11. I want tiramisu. For breakfast.

  12. I'm in my gardening clothes. Yet another sign of impending middle-aged-dom. Having gardening clothes.

  13. Watching the final of the Australian Open, Robertson v Trump. Good match although I already know who won. #worldsnooker

  14. Thank you @BenFolds and Dublin orchestra for an unforgettable night of music. That one will stay with me a long time. http://t.co/sGaBED5BVH

  15. Having a pre-gig at O'Donoghue's and debuting my new boot camp hairdo. http://t.co/9J1zhhxbtP

  16. .@BenFolds tonight in Dublin, with orchestra. I've been looking forward to it for so long. Super excited. My 4th time seeing him live.

  17. I want a Ford Escort mk 1 Mexico.

  18. If it ain't broke, break it. I'm pretty sure that's my company's mantra.

  19. It's sad, I really like Mindy Kaling but The Mindy Project is just the worst type of arse dribble.

  20. My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: ????? (24), Ramones (14) & The Vandals (14) http://t.co/MAaIjQz1Th

  21. Emerson Fittipaldi looks like a Bo Selecta mask.

  22. In Utero is a better album than Nevermind, right? I'm not alone in thinking that?

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