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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. Also I accidentally sold Laurent Koscielny to Real Madrid, thinking he was Wojciech Szczesny. What a shit manager.

  2. Also inevitably the weekend where a PL team fucks up my accumulator. QPR you wazzocks.

  3. Also, handed the girl in Subway my Clubcard instead of my Subcard. omg. Morto.

  4. Always feel a little bit weird watching Californication in Subway on my lunch break. http://t.co/Si2MsSeSwm

  5. Always mystified as to why there's a sanitary bin in the gents toilet in my work.

  6. Ambulance men and women must have hearing damage driving around with that fucking siren going all the time.

  7. America, fuck yeah. "Boy, 11, Shoots Dead 8-Year-Old Over Puppy" http://t.co/DpQRpqPrqd

  8. Amused myself for a full 30 minutes with the #rightinthepussy hashtag on Vine tonight. Go check it out. It's funny!

  9. Amusingly the tooth came out so easily I joked I should get money off it, and she actually knocked off 25 quid.

  10. An hour of summer wheeling-dealing no less.

  11. And back in time for EastEnders.

  12. And now it has the fucking audacity to be sunny.

  13. And why am I vaping again? I gave this up 6 months ago.

  14. And yes Wolverine wears a woolly jumper from Gap and prescription sunglasses for driving.

  15. Ann Summers really wants me to buy sex toys. http://t.co/UwtOQph96t

  16. Anyone else getting kind of bored of seeing Ric Flair cry?

  17. Anyone elses Twitter app for iPhone not working?

  18. Anyone have an old Meteor phone I can borrow for a week or two while my borked one is sent away?

  19. Anyone know what channel Scotland v England is on on Tuesday?

  20. Anyone recommend any good podcasts?

  21. Anyone signed up to the #WWENetworkUK yet? Is it all working?

  22. Anyone use a 4 track recorder / looper app for iPhone they can recommend? I don't mind paying a couple quid for a decent one.

  23. Anyone want to come round to mine for a game of Dream Phone?

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