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Status Updates posted by Lemonade

  1. A Street In Dublin City Centre Has Been Taken Over By A Swarm Of Bees http://t.co/0xzOBlAVVV via @lovindublin

  2. A week now off my ecigarette. It's at the back of my mind a lot but I'm coping. Not working helps. Stress in that fucking place.

  3. A welcome return to Formula 1 for Christijan Albers! @f1rejects http://t.co/4XpXEYKO4X

  4. Aberdeen Music is down, and now I don't really know what to do with my time.

  5. Aberdeen. I'm in Pret-A-Manger, min.

  6. About to start #30 in my "30 new albums in 30 days challenge". Needs to be something epic for final one. Suggest me something.

  7. Accidentally pressed the sugar button on the coffee machine at work and ruined my morning Joe. #firstworldproblems

  8. Accidentally stayed up until 4am and slept until 12.30.

  9. Achieve the trendy "just got out of bed" hairstyle by just getting out of bed. @TwopTwips

  10. Actually fuck this film. I hate Drew Barrymore.

  11. Actually I think i was right the first time.

  12. Actually scratch the beer, I've got a shitter of a cold. I'm spending tonight at home with a blanket and a book. Prob still get the pizza.

  13. Actually that was worth losing a tenner.

  14. Addendum to previous: When middle-class white people in 2015 use the word 'bling' unironically.

  15. Addendum to previous. Drinking cans of lager in the front yard. So classy.

  16. After clearing out my bag I now have 0 things in my bag. Which makes me question why I carry a bag.

  17. Alexis Sanchez needs to work on his fucking passing. This game and the charity shield his final ball has been woeful.

  18. All the best colognes come in a plastic jug. http://t.co/Eea1NQTGyh

  19. All the traffic lights around my work were out this morning when I was coming in at 6.45. That's going to be LOLageddon in rush hour.

  20. All this TFI Friday chat has made me want to listen to Ocean Colour Scene.

  21. Also from playing surf rock on 9s. It's nice to be doing something musical again tho, no matter how silly. 3 year musical exile is too long.

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