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Posts posted by ...mole...

  1. Thanks Scrooge but you just gave me a Neutral point! Don't even know how that happens...

    I'm not sure what the Ibanez Edge Pro II bridge is ... havent had expeience of it' date=' but the model I have (RG1570) has the Edge Pro bridge, not Pro II, and it's fucking unbelievable... its the one that is on the Steve Vai/Satriani signatures aswell, and IMHO is better that the original Floyds![/quote']

    i think the Edge pro 2 is what you find on the lower model Ibanez guitars. The Ibanez Jem 555 used to have it as well.

    im buying myself an RG2550E soon which has the Edge Pro bridge :) i just need something a little more suited to playing more complex lead stuff, and my les paul is to fecking heavy to play all the time

  2. Either cracking my skull on a rock at a mates house or trapping a nerve in my hip after an unexpected "dump tackle". I also had really bad ear-ache one night. Funny that' date=' i only remembered that now. It was a cold winters night when i was.........[/quote']

    reminds me of a horrible ear ache i had once felt like someone had jammed a massive nail into it. there was no painkillers left in the house either :down: didnt sleep that night

  3. about 2 years ago i back flipped off the back of a quad bike at 30mph with no crash helmet' date=' half of my face was toaly fucked but it removed an anoying mole so at least i gained somthing[/quote']

    hahah i done that a few months ago excpet i was wearing a helmet so my face wasw okay......i just broke my wrist instead because my arm was upright when the quad bike fell oni t so that was damn sore. wasnt exactly a light quad either :/ also spent 9 hours in A&E waiting to be treated whilst in complete agony :down:

    also had another accident on it where i smacked my chin off the handlebars as a result of a head on crash with another quad. bit straight threw my bottom lip and chipped 3 teeth leaving the bits of tooth stuck in my lip. ive also fucked up my back from falling off them and having them roll over me

    .....maybe its a good thing i sold it :p

  4. I use a Roland GR-20 guitar synth a Line 6 Delay modeler, Boss DS-1 for solo boosts and some crappy zoom multi effects pedal i use to make strange noises. The delay modelers looping function is pretty good for creating soundscapes although the loop time is a little short. so i just use the elloctronix VST plugin for PC :)

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