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Posts posted by johnathan

  1. i KNEW most people were going to leave after the shotgun love affair finished. maybe it was all the incredibly trendy people that were at the hardcore punk show. even more than usual!

    and they were shite. what was the point in coming if youre going to miss the best bands. i actually thought there would be nobody there to see TWF!

    fake audiences are shite. i bet you half the people who were there for tsla dont even like that type of music. they must just turn up to look cool to each other or something. wankers the lot of them!!!


    how about.... maybe people turned up to watch us, cos we did a bit of promotion.

    another bad case of aberdeen syndrome you have im guessing

    on a second note. it was pretty shite how abdy left before today we fight who were AMAZING as per usual

  2. aye. they actually dina seem to be all about hair and jeans and being a "hardcore" band as it seems

    they call themselves a metal band and theyr all about gettin pished and the good times.

    i cant see why you give theyr songs no credit at all. theyr decent metal songs

    btbam are amazing. jist get a number 2 a oer and a pair o tracky bottoms and get on wi it

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