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Posts posted by calum

  1. I've seen Stayover and I never slagged off Gone 2 Far.

    Guess I'm not invited then :p

    Oh, go on then, you can come too! :p

    Daniel, i know you weren't having a go at my band, i never thought you were. I was just saying that folks might be interested to see Gone 2 Far(nay my band) again, as they've apparently changed for the better. Confusion!! :help:

  2. Says the man from Portlethen! :up: Seriously though, all those who have slagged off G2F, come and give them another chance, :help: they've got a lot of new songs, and their old drummers back for this gig. Also, if you ain't seen stayover yet, come on!! :up:

  3. you know i doubt he is the sole reason they all smoke hash but never mind.

    Oh the mean streets of westhill how i look forward to playing there.....

    I know he isn't but he certainly doesn't help. Oh and Jimmy Jazz, sorry about my ill-informedness! I'm not with the in-crowd you see, so i just get the fourth hand rumours. :up: I'm afraid i can't help my ignorance. :up: Please come to the gig, we need some people who're actually :help: interested in music.

  4. Just listened to it and its shite, but no more shite than a lot of bands that will never get the same abuse as this lot. Its a cross between a rock ballad radio song and all the poppiest emo bandwagon jumping bands of the last couple of years. Seems forced, but again, so many bands do.

  5. Sorry' date=' but to paraphrase Bill Hicks, you put your name on a product (eg Busted), you forfeit your creative voice. Period.

    It'll be shite anyway, he's wearing an Armor for Sleep hoody in Kerrang this week, and they're PISH![/quote']

    Armor for Sleep are ace!!

  6. everyone knows bryce!

    and no im not at westhill academy anymore as i finished 6th yeah at half way into 2003. and i know there are a few fucking assholes (eric Jack ring a bell? (local twat/drug dealer to the kids))

    Eric Jack is a complete tit. Him and his mates are the reason that all the first years are stoners. He kicked some poor bastards head in the other night. My year is the fuckin worst for all the wasters. Did you hear about the bus driver getting shot with a BB gun up the top of the school? Crazy! Anyone in this thread who lives in Westhill or thinks it sounds interesting(it could happen), come see My Downfall, local legends Gone 2 fAR, with ten new songs and a new heavier sound apparently and Stayover as well as some local randoms. Ashdale Hall, January 29th. Packed out with trendy Beyonce loving casual types(including Gone 2 Far's entourage). Enjoy! :up:

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