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Posts posted by Asm0dai

  1. Software Developer for a small company in Bridage of Don, hours can be pretty intense, just finished about 2 months of 60+ hour weeks in order to hit a release date, but it is a pretty cool job - Went to uni to do computing, so im happy enough to be in a job doing what I like.

    Now i just have to pay off the 18k ish student loan.....

  2. Been playing it for about 2 years now. I know quite alot of guys in Aberdeen/Scotland that play it (like one of your fellow Game employees Dave!)

    As far as a game community goes, I've yet to see anything else come close to what Eve has acommplished. I'm in a mainly British/Icelandic corp and us British guys normaly meet up a few times a year for the obligatory Karting or Paintball session. Last summer a bunch of us even got invited over to Iceland, and managed to get a tour of CCP's (Eve's Developers) headquarters, cant imagine any other game developers doing the same. This summer a few of the Icelandic corp members came over here to visit and spent a few weeks touring round the UK meeting up with as many people as they could.

    Play Eve. Promote international relations.

  3. Even tho I have a few issues with some of the members, as a band I have always liked Dedalus and I sincerely hope that they get to wherever it is that they want to be.

    The music speaks for itself.

    Go Voyager!

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