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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. I knew it lol

    I started off doing the GSVQ thing. folk who were in my class were Craig Dragoonis, Angela Topp, Julie something or other etc lol. I took a year out after that but when I came back (HNC) I was in Ellies class, not sure if you know her but I started a band with her and your mate jamie a few years back but it kinda just fizzled out so to speak....

  2. The Olympus C765 is a good camera. 10 x optical zoom covers pretty much all the focal lengths you'll need. The start-up time is a bit slow however - takes a few seconds to 'fire up' but that personally doesnt bother me. In terms of the battery life - same battery as the Mju 410. The camera also has full manual control i.e. shutter and aperture priority etc. So if you dont want to spend at least 680 for a DSLR then the Olymous C765 is a good choice all in all.

    Im sure Ive managed to get the price of it down to around 180 in the past - although Im not 100% sure. Other cameras you might want to check out are:

    Fuji Finepix S5500

    Canon Powershot S1 IS ( I have one of these )

    Olymous C770 (if you want it to take an external flash gun )

    Hope this helps :)

  3. The Mju 410 is a good camera if your looking for something thats small and easy to use. As Ross says it really depends what you need the camera for. Its a great camera for general use is the Mju 410.

    We are selling it for 219 but you get 2 memory cards and a case included in the price which I dont believe you get with macro.

    In terms of battery life, the Mju410 uses a lithium Ion battery so it lasts a fair while. and the metal casing means its a pretty solid camera. As far as picture quality goes - superb up to a4



  4. Right,

    It depends on the print size your wanting to do. the general rule of thumb is 4million pixels if you want to prints anything up to A4, 5million pixels if you want bigger etc etc...

    Some models off the top of my head would be:

    Olympus C50 (5MP, 3 X optical zoom + manual modes i.e. shutter and aperture priority)


    Fuji F700 (6M recorded pixles, 3 x optical zoom, easier to use than the olympus)


    or if you want something with a larger zoom AND good pixel count, then your looking at the Olympus C770, or maybe the Fuji F7000 (10 X optical zoom)

    Although I cant remember the prices of these two.

    p.s. I work in Jessops :rolleyes:

    Feel free to come into the shop for some demos etc...

    Oh yeah, we can usualy match internet prices anyway,

    Hope this cleared it up a bit LOL



  5. Today a guy came into my work to drop off a film for 1 hour processing. He returned 30 minutes later and went mental because they weren't ready !!!


    When I politely explained that they wouldn't be ready for at least another 15 minutes and that I would try and print them ASAP, he snapped and started throwing things around the shop!!

    What the fuck is the point on that?

    And to top it off, my boss tried to calm him down by offering him a REFUND !!!!!!!

    For those of you who work in a customer service environment, you'll no doubt agree with me that sometimes the general public can be complete bastards :swearing:

    Has anyone else here had any bad experiences with twat customers?

    Sorry, had to get this one off my chest LOL :D



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