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Posts posted by Smooth_groover

  1. Well, you're better off starting with a fully manual camera. Something like an Olympus OM10 or a Pentax ME Super. These are old cameras but are solid, good quality, fairly cheap nowadays and will give you the chance to learn the basic functions of a camera. My advice would be to start off using one of these then, if you have the cash go for an autofocus SLR like the Canon EOS 300X or a Nikon F55. again, these have full manual control but can switch to full auto if you choose. Don't go overboard with the spending on a camera though. See how you get on with a basic one then 'upgrade'. Soon, you'll be using one of these like me :D


    I wish. but yeah, you can pick up an Olympus OM10 + 50mm lens for about 80. My work has an ace range of second hand equipment you might want to check out.



  2. 5. NEVER volunteer to carry the large format 'flight case' when you're going out on location.

    6. Try and get Colin to review you're work. I found Sheila to be a bit too critical. However, all the tutors are ace as fuck.

    7. Buy plastic neg sheets as opposed to paper ones.

    Most importantly, make sure you've always got enough darkroom paper. You will go through a daft amount of the stuff just doing test strips.

    Oh and one more thing, try and buy as much film and paper as you can before you begin the course. We (Jessops) always seem to run low on these after about 2 months of college starting.

  3. 1. Buy your darkroom paper in bulk.

    2. Despite what the 'to buy' sheet says - DO NOT buy scissors. They always have a pair you can use.

    3. Don't let Gordon the technician get to you. :D

    4. Try and buy Fuji Crystal Archive colour paper as opposed to Kodak. I used FCA paper when I was there and it's great.

  4. It's all bollocks.

    Look, if you were genuinly a decent enough person and got just 'got on with it' people left you alone most of the time. A big majority of the fighting that went on was 'inter-ned' fighting. I was far from being a ned at St Machar, but the people I mucked around with were on speaking terms with almost everyone - this is why we never got any shit.

    However, if you act like a dick (whether you're a ned or not) you're going to get hassled.

  5. I think the committe in my final year consisted of people in the 'fitba team' and a couple of Bedford rascals.

    Me: "So when is the yearbook going to be for sale"

    Bam: "Fuck yi sayin min"

    Anyone remember when Princess Anne came to the school? I was in the windband at the time and we had to 'perform' in front of her. She didn't even applaud us afterwards. Bitch.

  6. Thankfully, I left before they started doing things for the yearbook. I only appear in the 94' edition. But yeah, my claim to fame (apart from being in 'the' punk band) would be the only pupil to 'fail' work experience. I ended up working in Virgin Megastore and got arrested for stealing CDs :rockon:

  7. Judging by some of the posts on this thread, St. Machar seems to have calmed down a lot since my day. Our meaning of 'winding up the teacher' was 'throwing chairs off their faces' or 'removing all furniture from the class when the bell went, and leaving it in a broken heap in the corridor' or 'making teachers cry on their birthdays'

    Oh well, times are a' changin'

  8. Haha' date=' I remember seeing you guys playing in Froghall Community Centre. Fucking great cup of tea as well. Help me out here, was thinking about this the other week and it's been bugging the shit out of me, who was the other band who played? I remember they had a song called "Unemployed Scum", but the name escapes me.[/quote']

    They were called Kamikaze Core. The line-up was us, them and Eradicate. The only person I remember seeing in the crowd was Ash from Karloff :D

    EDIT: Actually, come to think of it 'unemployed scum' could have been one of our songs. Fuck, it was almost 10 years ago - nothing but a distant memory.

  9. A polar bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender:

    "I'll have a brandy...........................................






    ..........and coke."

    The bartender asks: "What's with the big pause?"

    The bear responds: "I dunno. I've always had them."

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