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Posts posted by mmd040

  1. This old bugger saw them at the Tourhout festival in Belgium in 1989. If anyone's interested the lineup that day was, in no particular order, Texas, Tanita Tikaram (who got bottled off stage quite rightly), REM, Pixies, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson and Lou Reed. There may have been others but as I was so drunk I missed Lou Reed, you will forgive me if my memory is a little hazy. Bloody good day though. :rockon:

  2. Piney Gir was really cool too. I didnt know what to expect but it was rather lovely. Anyone know if shes got any vinyl out? I went to look for her or anyone who looked like they might know at the end but failed

    No vinyl I'm afraid but her debut CD "Peakahokahoo" is available on Truck Records. A new EP with her Country Roadshow band is due out soon too and she's currently recording a new album to boot. As is usual for Piney, she forgot to bring her merchandise on the night. Her other band The Schlalalas have also secured a record deal so expect something from them in the not to distant future. A sassy, talented and very busy lady.

    Weren't Motormark amazing last night too.

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