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Everything posted by mikemz

  1. Favourite Zappa album....... There seems to be a 'later Zappa' view here. Go back into the early Mothers for Zappa's best work. In experimental terms Lumpy Gravy is a fantastic piece of true avant-garde musicianship. Weird and totally wonderful. But my favourite (and I believe it used to be dear Uncle Frank's too) is Uncle Meat. This was Zappa at the peak of his talent and working with the Finest Mothers ensemble ever. It covers everything from do-wop to electric chamber music to music 'concret'. It was also near the end of the early Mothers era when Zappa disbanded the group on the basis that "I seriously over estimated the intellegence of the audience I was dealing with". Then the slide into the commercial Zappa era commenced culminating in the likes of Sheik Yerbootie. Not to say that there isn't good music to be had within such records, but it's not a patch on the early experimental stuff. Later work, like Yellow Shark, got near to the original energy (in a very different context) but lacked the late 60's Freaked Out sensibilities that marked Zappa's true genius. I still miss him and his work terribly..............
  2. Mr Chilli, SiCut - fantastic last night but oh woe where were the crowds? The new SiCut alblum (Find Some Shade) is a total blast - dub / drum 'n' bass affectionardos take note for the next time round. Charlemagne tomorrow at drakes - ANYBODY who loves good sounds will love this too!!
  3. Oh and I've just seen Chillis comments about complaints regarding his Puerto M vocal contributions at Dr Drakes . Well what can I say - er...don't give up the day job Chilli but keep the IM gigs a'comin............p..s. the new Mirah album - K Rec is a stunner. Mr Elvrum (Microphones) on support and production - oh for a Mirah gig at Drakes.................
  4. Gasp - hey I just posted re the SiCut eveneing at Drakes and it went to the wrong place - doh! if there's going to be dancing I'll wear loose troos.
  5. Yes knitting and why not? But the real issue is that last year Noah John gave a fantastic gig along with Puerto Muerto at the LT. So any who enjoyed PM will surely like Charlemagne too. It is too late for night swimming but not tooo late for Drake's giigiging........
  6. Charlemagne - due to play Dr Drakes on Weds. 2nd June if I remeber right - if you can check out the review Carl 'Charlemagne" Johns got in the Guardian newspaper on Friday - sounds like we are on for a treat............ Chillli are you receiving me...........
  7. Is it fair to say that Puerto Muerto are one of the most enthralling and entrancing acts to see live? It was fantastic to have them back in Aberdeen for an excellent evening at dr drakes. Their style reminds me of 70's troubadors Slapp Happy. Desc were excellent too and faired better I think than their last outing at Drummonds - good luck to them in the States.
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