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Posts posted by lollerskates

  1. Haha, how did I miss this thread last night? I was revising/looking at the Internet/revising until 5:45 this morning. Then I slept for 1 hour, then went to my exam at 9am. I am just home from it; I believe I did medium to reasonable.

    Last term, for 2 maths exams, 2 days in a row, I learned the entire course from midnight until 7am, then had the exams at 9am. Prior to midnight I had done zero revision. At all. And I somehow did ace in them.

    Edit: How did your exams go them? And where in uni were you all night?

  2. On the Peterhead-Fraserburgh road, a few miles out of Fraserburgh, there is a road goes away off to Red Loch. Apparently this is where 'witches' were hung hundreds of years ago. The story goes that in the 60's sometime, a little girl went into the woods and was never seen again. Her bike was found about 30 years later.

    And just beside the loch, there is an empty house, and I swear, it is the house from the end of Blair Witch. And when we crept up to the door, it swung open by itself all of a sudden, and we all ran like fuck.

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