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Posts posted by Noir

  1. good on you guys, getting the tracks out and everything. gav was playing the cd to me in the car and talking through the whole thing "this is an ace bit!" "this bits sooo good!" "this is my solo, its so good"

    this is chris (gavs brother) by the way incase you though gav just gave lifts to random strange people, which to be fair he probably does.

    also, did you notice this:


  2. unlucky for some, AB13, for me.

    try working in sainsburys with all the snobs coming in.

    its a fact that my sainsburys (garthdee) has the most "demanding" cumtomers of all the sainsburys in the UK!

    i.e. they'll complain about everything, give you 0 respect and generally treat you like shit, but then we can go and poisen their grapes or something!

  3. i think it would be ace (and amazingly satisfying) if lyn got murdered cos one of her "life coaching" clients got pissed off with her

    but you wouldn't know that and it could be like a who shot JR thing?

    and joe scully could come back to be a suspect

  4. yeah i agree it would have been so much better if it was later in the day.

    has anyone heard their first album "media" you can only get it in the US and its before they started using synths, sounds the same but yet very different if you know what i mean.

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