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Posts posted by Chrisfindlay

  1. I had a ned reated problem today:

    It started off as just another lunchbreak from the hell hole i work in and i was walking through town when all of a sudden "fuckin idiot's, watch my tea u little poof, i'll brak ur face u wee shite, fuckin cunt, fuckin idiots, watch ma tea, iv'e got tea in my hand ur all fucking idiots".

    Note : Accused had a cup of tea in hand

  2. top 5 moments of last night

    1. Tbs acting out some old school "WERE GOING STREAKING"

    2. Lead singer of tbs threatening to hit 2 guys fighting with his mic

    3. a cup of water in the face

    4. a mic stand tossed halfway across the stage

    5. Mcr guitarist came on for the end of cute without the e

  3. For the fact that Butters has a ninja star poking out of his face for a proportion of the episode I nominate 'Good Times With Weapons'

    Do any of them top this?

    Do I actually want to see them?

    Yeah and they try to pass him off as a dog to get him into a vet, that episode is amazing. Also is the jefferson's which has a "special" character, but worst episode is the one where they go to Afghanistan to give back a goat.

  4. the simpsons' date=' i cant even understand why anyone would hate it. its totally great. and totally funny...

    south park isnt that bad... its got some really good episodes... then it went all wierd with the later series...

    whats that 'comedy' with the fat sleese dirty man with the string vest... that was so crap.[/quote']

    Simpsons is the greatest cartoon ever created. South park has some great moments and the other 1 u mean i can't remember what it's called was pretty crap. (the royal family or something)

  5. worst film I have ever seen would have to be...

    Any of the Jurassic Park films.

    Sure' date=' I loved 'em at first but after reading the two books I realised how ace they could have made the films if they hadn't watered them down for kiddies. Sheeeeeeiiiiiiittttteeeeeee min.

    The third one is exceptionally pants.[/quote']

    OK they were pretty bad but at least it had a very enjoyible bit in the first one where the guys sitting on the toilet and gets eaten by the t-rex, it was pretty funny but worst film i'd have to say is enternal sunshine of a spotless mind, i actually fell asleep in the cinema it was so bad, boy meets girl they fall in love, they fall out they erase the memory of each other and it turns out that it's the second time it's happened absolutly bollocks >.< :moody:

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