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Demon Of The Fall

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Posts posted by Demon Of The Fall

  1. The grunge tribute band was alright (although the singer/guitarist was HORRIBLY out of tune during heart shaped box, it was painful to watch) he had a good "cobain" voice though.

    Risactonia own you all! Scott Dixon = God! (and his mum was hilarious!)

    Black Atom were even better than album launch night (took some doing) The Last Day \m/\m/ and looks like the superglue worked because me Viking hat didnt fall apart this time.

    Up the Atom!

  2. No' date=' AX is on a different planet from me. He likes to wind people up i prefer just to kill.

    So AX isnt liked on here is he?


    AX wasnt liked simply because he lacked the capability to switch off his caps lock and it pissed everyone off. He got banned a wile back

  3. oh that was me...are you sure they weren't the same? according to me memory they are- al li remmebr is my brother shouting at ric flair calling him mr perfect. ric flair wa the pratt with the blonde hair and purple robe?? im so confsued now.

    Ric Fair is the guy with the blonde/white hair and robe

    Mr Perfect had long muddy blonde hair (later became Curt Henning in WCW)

    wile he was in WCW a lot of his friends died (Rick Rude, Kendal Windam and a few more) and he got depsressed and faded away. he made a short comeback in wwe a few years ago but he died. sad life he had

  4. im serious! name a better?

    i bet you your champ didnt kick the shit out of woman every week with guitars.

    a better IC champ that JJ?


    Brett Hart


    Ultimate Warrior

    Shawn Michaels

    The Rock


    Triple H

    need any more?

    do know why he left the wwf? Austin was given the choice of his new enemy in 99 as to rock was doing something else at the time and the undertaker was pushing his Ministry of Darkness thing and it left Austin opponent less. he was given the choice to push either Billy Gunn, Triple H or JJ (as you now know he picked HHH) the given reason was that Billy Gunn simply wasnt ready for that major a push (and he still had his rivalry with Road Dogg and X-Pac going on) and the JJ would never be ready, he was unsellable and quite frankly shit! he went off in a huff to wcw after they made him loose to women week after week

    worst IC champ ever!

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