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Lee Anderson

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Posts posted by Lee Anderson

  1. did anyone else hear the shagger banter in the campsite?

    it seemed to be a glowstick dance competition - they were also shimmying the light poles. noisy basatards

    or the 'my summer girl' chorus gang. who sang the chorus to beck's girl all sunday night - over and over - oh that was us...sheeesh

    god i loved the prodigy

  2. yeh

    i enjoy myself more every year..

    layout for this year was absolute pish. you couldn't dart between shows because of mass bottlenecks. hope it's not the same next year.

    the coral and the prodigy were superb and i even enjoyed kasabian (hah!) the sound for sons and daughters was trash. the sun hats were ace. as was the weather

    and who gives a fuck about the scavengers ? i'd rather they got all the stuff that was left behind than those stewards...free stuff is ace. and the families i spoke too said the kids like t in the park day better than christmas!

    good on them i say!

    think i'm away to get next years ticket

  3. i seen him a good few years ago doing exactly the same thing (baked as usual) in Majorca. Must have been on tour. Good ole' Jobby!

    I asked him if he was once in Aberdeen and he just said "probably, do you want to buy a tape?" a good few times. i bought one. don't know where it is.

  4. fair enough she was a pain in the ass.

    but fuckin hell. what kind of fanny power tripping bastard cop should be allowed to use such unnecessary force.?

    i'd understand it if she was a psycho martial arts expert killer on the run for triple murder in possesion of a blade(or some other weapon at least)

    but this was for speeding and not wanting to get out of the car.

    she might have shit herself before this happened. perhaps she had a wee dribble. who knows her reasoning for not leaving the car...

    but the tasing.....

    sick fuck.

  5. hsfgh

    kirkhill forest is ace.

    had many good nights there. pretty scary - even if there are lots of people.

    you see the boar type thing through the trees and it seems to move closer every time you look.


    ace place though.

    the 307 bus takes you there from the bus station. just get off at the stop nearest and its a short walk. depending on which side yous go

    its actually the 737 stagecoach bus to inverurie you get now. got it home today. must have changed. 737 is a much better number than 307. nach weel...

  6. kirkhill forest is ace.

    had many good nights there. pretty scary - even if there are lots of people.

    you see the boar type thing through the trees and it seems to move closer every time you look.


    ace place though.

    the 307 bus takes you there from the bus station. just get off at the stop nearest and its a short walk. depending on which side yous go

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