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Steven Milne

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Posts posted by Steven Milne

  1. Erm, yes.

    Im afraid i was...

    They were doing an instore event and they hired me to DJ at it/provide a pa and decks.

    So i lugged a table and decks in on Saturday and did a slot there - ive done it twice.

    Yes, im a sellout BUT it pays really well, is pretty chilled out and im going to Berlin this weekend so I need the pennies.

    I dont think ive had an example of a stalk but could have had a few at RHL single launch now that i think about it.

  2. Fucking hell - just read this now.

    Thought that had gone un-noticed.

    Im an easy stalk.

    You can usually spot me on Belmont Street or in One Up these days - seem to spend my whole life dropping off tickets and posters to that place - which is fine by me as i keep getting ace new cds and an excuse for a rake every time im in.

  3. At the end of the day, it's still shit to be surprised when a band/band member actually bothers their arse to perform what they've been paid for. Let's give them a pat on the back. :down:

    I totally agree.It is ridiculous. Although i do find MES's attitude and motivation to gig/ reaction to crowd totally fascinating. Almost like Bob Dylan for openly not caring about the audience (which he admits in every interview). But last night he seemed to be on good form - smiling and clapping along and generally causing havoc (turning guitarists amp on/off/ turning keyboards up/down/singing from behind the speakers etc).

    I spent most of last night shitting it every time MES put his mic back on the stand that he was going to walk off. And it seemed that he constantly when not signing was looking for his jacket - which he put on halfway through- i thought oh fuck-then he just carried on for another 6 songs - thankfully.

    The keyboard player (his wife i believe) had a handbag on for the duration of the set which at the start made me worry they werent staying for long! He did leave the stage twice but he returned soon enough.

    All in all though, good night - the fall faithful all seemed to have a good time and compared to Edinburgh (where people were robbing the merch stand on the way out as they felt so cheated) we were in luck.

    It was an admittedly expensive ticket especially given the last visits events putting everyone off - which is now whatll happen in Edinburgh on their next visit - I doubt well see them again for a long time.

  4. By all accounts we were worried about tonight after the reports of Edinburgh saturday night but as opposed to saturday nights events the band played a full hour plus tonight with a 1 song encore.

    The set was: Y.F.O.C; Over, Over; Cowboy George; Bury; I've been Duped; Slippy Floor; Chino; Wolf Kidult Man; Weather Report; Hot Cake; Funnel of Love; Reformation; Sparta F.C.

    Band seemed on good form and crowd seemed very happy with the set also.

    The guys from the band and Mark E Smith also said they really enjoyed it and thanked us for having them with a bottle of champagne to us as a gift!

    Totally inverted my expectations and despite 1 moment when he left the stage and i feared he wouldnt come back the set seemed to go without hitch.

    Anyone go have any thoughts?

    Reviews online seem to be really positive:

    The Fall online forum -> Warehouse, Aberdeen, 25th April

  5. As a gesture because were sad to let you down.

    If you bought a ticket for Gil Scott Heron and fancy coming to Candi Staton tomorrow night, you can show your Gil Scott ticket at the door and get in for 12 to Candi Statons show. (you have to have your ticket for Gil on you to obtain this).


    If you bought your ticket for Gil Scott Heron on Ticketweb - you can get a ticket for Candi on Ticketweb for 10 in advance (i.e not at the venue and before 5pm) by entering the code: candi when purchasing through Welcome to TicketWeb!

    Candi Staton will be superb so at least that show is going ahead and one of the two legends will still play Aberdeen this week. Was very exciting to have them here and weve been working for a while to promote the shows and prepare the venue for the shows - absolutely gutted but at least its to be rescheduled.

  6. Official statement:

    Due to the continuing disruption to flights into the UK by volcanic ash, Gil Scott Heron has been unable to reach the UK. As a result, the scheduled concerts by Gil Scott-Heron at HMV Picture House on Wednesday 21st April and Aberdeen Warehouse on Thursday 22nd April have been cancelled.

    We are hoping to reschedule these dates and will update our website as soon as any further information is available. Customers are asked to retain their tickets until further announcements are made.


    Sorry folks.

    (in all honesty from all reliable sources - bands agent, promoter, everyone involved - it WILL be rescheduled - maybe very soon as Gil is back and forth to Europe (volcano / act of god pending) frequently over the next wee while.

    As its being rescheduled there hasnt been an announcement on refunds yet.

    So i would hold onto your tickets as it was pretty much sold out - more news to follow.

    Again, sorry but cant be helped.

  7. How many songs do you guys manage to write in a certain time frame?

    Obviously it's different for bands who are working together and jamming stuff out to get it finished. But just for the initial lyrics+music rough draft, how many do you bash out in a week?

    I'm sure I remember reading an interview with Steven Milne (perhaps he'll join in this thread and clarify this) where he said he usually wrote 4 or 5 songs a week. Which to me seems like an insane level of productivity, especially if you have other things to do in your life.

    Just read this.

    At the time, I remember that..ah, the time before I worked at Warehouse and ALL i did was DJ three times a week, band practice and work on music - best times.

    I used to have a great situation where i lived with my brother who worked nights 6pm till 11pm and in our flat we had a great sound in the bathroom for accoustics. I found it hard to write ideas / melodies in a dead room so if i knew i had the flat alone Id set up a tape recorder and sit in the bathroom with the rooms reverb and work on ideas. Most weeks id do this for 3 nights a week and ultimately get an idea to 3 ideas a week that were solid and the starts of two other song beginnings which id pursue the week after. This process always worked for me as i was able to find a comfort zone to write in and even if i didnt always use some of the tracks - some are still demos - ive revisited many / chord progresions and used later.

    After that i moved into King Street with Bob from Lks and got a digital four track but couldnt make much noise as always had a flat full of flatmates. So id do the vocals last (when i knew nobody would be in) and demo the whole song first/ edit it tight then sing over it. Had to change my setup i guess to adapt to new environment and truth be told i dont write as much as that now - not often got time to write things as much and find it hard to switch off unless i know im alone in flat.

    Although, at xmas my flatmates left (last 2 years in a row) to go home for xmas which has given me three days straight each year with nobody around - and ive written 4 songs each time around this period - all of which ive used/ feel are great. So i guess its about finding where your comfortable and being able to switch off to concentrate - for me anyway. Sometimes a song happens really quickly and easily and just feels right and sometimes it is just a verse you have for months then suddenly the rest falls into place.

    My biggest weakness is insecurity - i should share my ideas sooner as it would help a lot with confidence in the material and also get some constructive feedback for putting it together.

  8. Steven Milne

    Page 3 of the EE What's On guide

    Looking guilty and shamelessly plugging the warehouse and somewhere that apparently has the hottest talent in Aberdeen.

    I was hoping this had slipped under the radar of peoples awareness.

    Had enough piss taken out of me by many pals for my mention of scarves and gloves let alone the work namecheck - boss would kill me if i said otherwise.

  9. Sorry, I'm not getting at you - I appreciate you're only doing a job. I hope it all goes well from your point of view.

    It's just that at 20-odd quid & the notoriosly erratic MES makes the gig a bit of a gamble. Personally, I can't be bothered, on a Sunday night, waiting for him to appear at 11:45, as happened at the LT a while back. And I've never seen them play for more than an hour either.

    The promotor and the band need to rethink the cost in future, IMHO.

    Saying that, I'll probably be sitting on Sunday night with a tinge of regret that I didn't go.

    No worries mate.

    I understand.

    Ah well, if i can handle almost being beaten to death by the band Mayhem, im sure i can handle Mark E Smith...i hope.

  10. seen The Fall loads of times & have dozens of CDs by them. However, spending the best part of 25 quid in the hope that the "eager to perform" MES turns up in a venue that I'm not particulary fond of is pushing it.

    Sigh...oh well.

    I wont be posting again about this gig -and as i said in the other thread im just the messenger and not the promoter so i dont set ticket prices etc.

    Im just in charge of doing our bit to promote the show.

    To anyone who is coming, hope they enjoy the show.


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