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Posts posted by shaun

  1. Ditto, i saw them at Indian Summer and while they were semi-entertaining they were neither cutting edge or "new". If they do get big this year it will purely be from magazine hype and they will (hopefully) just be a flash in the pan.

    not a lot of things in music are cutting edge or "new" these days, i don't see what your point is.

    thieves like us, i'd also like to add to the list. they're neither cutting edge or "new" though, but they're playing snafu on valentine's day!

  2. He could invest in stocks and shares, put his money in the bank, do the lottery for all I care, all sorts of stuff. Do you support all those "entrepreneurs" who "invest" in tickets for things like T in the Park simply so they can sell them for profit?

    you are going to be so pissed off when you find out about channel 4's property ladder.

  3. Yeah, something like that!

    It's more to do with litigation and all that American pish!

    Today, I was in Books'n'Beans for a bowl of soup and a scone (canny be beat!) and I was told that one of the staff would need to bring my soup upstairs for me.


    is the scone for dipping purposes?

  4. my opinion is that robert neville wasn't black. if he was, then maybe he could have made a hip hop track that heighted number one! then we really could have thought as will smith as the man. i mean, topping the charts and fighting an array of grossly inaccurate animals on the silverscreen?

    touch, willy, touch...

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