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Posts posted by trippinoneastereggs

  1. looking back into some of Hitlers Lesser known movements in the run up to the war is quiter alarming. The very first thing he did when he annexed Austria was to go straight to the Hapsburg museum and sieze the spear of Longinus. Supposedly the blade of the lance that was used to peirce Christ's side at the crucifixion. Throughout history it has been in possession of the great leaders/warriors of the world. And it was prophesiszed that it would grant power to whoever possessed it.

    When he was refused from Art School in Austria he went to the Hapsburg museum and stood in front of the Spear until the museum closed, he became obsessed with it's history and thought that if he possessed it he could use it to return the Ayrian race to its rightful place, ruling central Europe.

    The Was a member of the occult Thule Society. A primary focus of Thule-Gesellschaft was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race. "Thule" was a land located by Greco-Roman geographers in the furthest north. The society was named after "Ultima Thule" Latin for the "Furthest Thule", said to be the capital of ancient Hyperborea, placed in the extreme north near Greenland or Iceland.

    The Thulists also believed in the hollow earth theory. Thule's ultimate goal was to prove that the Aryan race came from a lost continent, perhaps Atlantis.

    Hitler sent Himmler, I think it was on a quest into the Himalayas to search for Atlantis and traces of the true Ayrians. And he also began looking for other "Holy items" to fuel his belief that their power would help him sieze control of the world and bring the Ayrians back.

    He began making his Master Race, and his plan to wipe out the Jews, Gypsies and Slavs was because they were inferior and had stolen the land which rightfully belonged to the Master Race. And although Hitler was a short dark haired runt, he saw himself as the catalyst to bring this race back to the world.

    In the final days of the war he sent the Spear of Longinus with his two best U-Boats to antartica to hide it and make sure the allies never got their hands on it. Although its not clear if this was the real one or just a fake as the Allies seized it, Churchill and Roosevelt both aparently had possessed the item as the end of the war when it was supposedly returned to the Hapsburg museum. There is still a lance there. But it is unknown if it is the true lance or merelly a fake

    That is what I meant by evil

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