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Niall (TGF)

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Everything posted by Niall (TGF)

  1. Aye the party was cool. Much drinking and complaining about the state of music. Good times. Regarding the toyshops you should be worried! Lock up your Hornby train sets! I'll give all these places a go, so you'll all no doubt se me trying to play three instruments in every Reaons Are Red song in the near future.
  2. Ace! Cheers for your help one and all! Needed an excuse to go back into the toy shops again! I'll try the car boot sales, charity shops and marts too! Thanks again!
  3. Hi. Just wondering if anyone knows whre i can lay my hands on some instruments like melodicas, small (kids) casio/ bontempi keyboards, percussives instruments like shakers,tamborines, wood blocks, hand bells etc. If anyone has anything along those lines lying around at home and wants a few bucks for them let me know! Wanna make wierd sounds!
  4. Cheers richard. I'm such an old has been.
  5. To folkies of a cLOUDEAD/Anti-con persusaion- Just wondering if any one has come around the album "A New White" by Doseone's new band, Subtle. I know it's on LEX records, off shoot of Warp. Been looking all over the Aberdeen music shops for a copy and had no luck in either the indies or major chains. Really want to pick up a copy. I'd appreciate if any one else has found one, to know where they got hold off it. Cheers!
  6. It's a great record. "Do You Compute" is an awesome song. They're a big influence on Reasons Are Red. Hot Snakes are worth checking out too-they've got some ex-members of the band and are great fun, crazy rock'n'roll!
  7. What no Fickle Public? Am I the only one whose slightly shocked by this? I know not that many peole have been keen on the name change but come on! They are one of the best rock bands in Scotland right noo and their new album is going to blow yr heads off!I kid ye not, it's awesome!
  8. Look at the kind of stuff that is passed off as entertainment on television these days. Voyeuristic programs where we spy on people's lives ("Big Brother" the obvious one, but there are loads out there - 1 in 3 shows just about). Some of the tortures that orwell listed in room 101 haven't just been reached (mind control, being forced to adopt a social mindset) but been gone far beyond, look at the American photographs of the treatment of prisoners in Iraq!(Human rights, what are they?) Today we also have CCTV cameras watching our every move and tele sales companies that know more about our lives than we do! On the subject of "prole-vision" its worth pointing out that Orwell got the idea for room 101 for the office number he was working in at...the BBC!
  9. We are a metalcore band! In our heads...with maracas. I've never actually heard red by choice, i'm guessing they were pretty metal. Never mind soon we'll be a full-on funk band and then there'll be no more confusion.
  10. Enough of this hair talk. One of these men is confusing you by the fact he plays in all the same bands as the curley haired gent who you are enquiring about. The cad! Anyway, no we're not Belgain (Although it would be nice as Belguim is really fabulous country that I had the pleasure to visit) and we're not playing that night. You should still go and see the band Asimov, as they obviously read good books. Asimov Advises Anger! are however playing on Wednesday the 24th in Dr.Drakes with the excellent Mountain Men Anoymous, who are very good.
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