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Posts posted by ghost

  1. Howdy

    Site blocked from school, so can only access occasionally from home. Email is fine though if you want a quicker response.

    Thanks for the messages:

    Hog - I've moved but still in BOD. Email me for the new addy if you want.

    Lester, Spellchecker & Alan - shiny pennies are also gladly accepted. Every single shiny penny which is profit will go to Diabetes UK and stay in the local area. No gig plans at the moment though, I'm a bit rusty and overwhelmed by this teaching lark.

    So far.... over 130 going to charity... that's not CD sales though before your chin hits the floor... ;)

  2. A T T E N T I O N


    Quick, dirty, low key release of "Montague's Lunchtime Speciale", Ian Simpson's 6th self-released CD. 11 tracks of lo-fi acoustic/electro tomfoolery recorded in various locations over a two year period. To obtain a copy send an email to ian@lofimusic.co.uk with name, address and a suggested donation amount (at least 3 to cover costs). All profit to Diabetes UK charity in memory of Frank Simpson. We'll work out how you get the money to me on a 1-1 basis. Paypal is an option, but due to withdrawal fees cash/cheque is better.


  3. Thanks for the comments. Drums definitely seem to be the problem here, so I'll take that as a positive comment about the accordion!

    Steve - long time no speak, glad you're still about and listening to CAI. "Eyes" is set on King Street in my head, but it can be on George St in yours!! :)

    Alan - good luck with the Thomas Truax gig this week! I'll be there in spirit!

  4. It's a possibility. Thanks for checking & the idea.

    In my Lemsip-addled state I forgot to tell you what I was wanting you to check the track for.

    * Anyone got any good accordion-playing tips? (Only one I've found so far is to move the bellows in and out once a bar - I'm telling you I'm a complete beginner).

    * How does the instrument sound in the mix? I'm playing around with mic placement and reverb patches, trying to get it sounding reasonably natural. Ignore the tinny guitar - that's deliberate... ;)

    Off to check for breakbeats. :)

  5. Beautiful day isn't it? I'm scunnered with the worst cold I've had in a decade. Ah, life. Nevermind, I took the chance to dust off the accordion I got for my birthday and attempt to rattle off a tune. I've never played an accordion before mind, so no cheap shots....

    The track is here: http://www.soundclick.com/iansimpson - it's the first track on the page - no shit sherlock!

    Back to bed.

  6. Dangerous' date=' but I'll have a go...


    Write down your chords & store them safely!!!!! (I record stuff, chuck out the lyrics/chords sheet, then, years later struggle to remember what the chords were....usually because I've varied the pitch of the portastudio :) )[/quote']

    TOTALLY IN AGREEMENT. My memory is awful. I can hardly remember the patterns and chords for the NEW album, and it's not even out yet!

  7. Briefly winged my way into the Shift tent on Saturday - just missed your set Alan I'm truely sorry. Hope it went well!

    Looked a great assortment of artists and films, wish I'd been in a position to stay longer but the bass frequencies of the Nucleotides scared my wee lass. We sat outside for a while longer but it rained. Sob.

    Good job to Chilli et. al. for organising the event! Kudos!



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