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Posts posted by soundian

  1. "Despite what most consumers believe, it is technically illegal for UK consumers to make copies of their own CDs."

    BPI prepared to discuss ripping CDs | The Register

    "For millions of people it is now the only way to enjoy their fix of Arctic Monkeys, Razorlight or even Girls Aloud. Pop a CD into a computer, "rip" the contents, and then play it back on their iPod. It is also illegal, and is claimed to cost the music industry hundreds of millions of pounds."

    Call to exempt iPod 'rippers' from prosecution - Crime, UK - The Independent

    "Giving people a legal private right to copy would allow them to copy their own CDs and DVDs onto their home computers, laptops or phones without breaking the law."

    Influential think tank says 'legalise it' on CD-ripping - iPod/iPhone - Macworld UK

    "Copying music without permission from the copyright holder is illegal in the UK.

    BBC - Newsbeat - Technology - CD ripping 'widespread'

    Is that enough evidence for you?

  2. I believe you, and I understand entirely, I've never disputed that it is seemingly against the law to rip CDs for your own use (according to the internet), all I am saying is that it is a completely spurious argument as the chances of anybody caring about you doing so or doing anything about it are nil.


  3. Yes, of course it's fact. It says it on wiki.

    If you don't believe me, look at the copyright notice on any CD or DVD you've bought or search for some more sources although I think you're just pretending not to understand to wind me up now.

  4. I was quoting Stripey's use of the term "illegal".

    I'm still waiting for someone to come up with an instance of somebosy actually being prosecuted for taking part in this supposedly illegal (resisted the temptation to use quotation marks) activity.

    No quotation marks but gratuitous use of the word supposedly. I'm afraid it's fact.

    Just because no-one can point to a prosecution it doesn't change the fact that it is illegal. Personally I think it's highly unlikely anyone will be prosecuted because the majority of people think there's nothing wrong with it (and we live in a democracy, allegedly).

  5. Some nice selective quoting there. The rest of the paragraph reads as follows:

    "The UK government has made proposals to allow people to make copies of music for personal use."

    None of this is likely to have a major effect on your average person.

    Not selective quoting at all, I pointed out the position as it is at the moment to Bigsby who seems to believe different.

    I agree that it will not have an impact on your average person, any company trying to sue someone for ripping music for personal use will quickly find itself subject to public scorn and ridicule so I don't think any of them want to be the first to try. The only way I can see them using this is for a "double-whammy" on file sharers, doing them for illegal distribution AND copying, just in case the distribution case falls apart.

  6. Please provide some instances of anyone, ever, being charged and prosecuted for copying their own CDs onto an MP3 player for their own personal use.

    Clearly this is never going to happen. Perhaps somebody should be complaining that iTunes includes a facility for ripping CDs and naming files via Gracenote if there is so much concern about this "illegal" copying.

    Also worth pointing out that ipods can also be used to watch videos (again, you don't need to illegally download, you can rip your own DVDs), view photographs and they can also be used as a portable hard drive for data. So very easy to use 80gb on an ipod with illegally downloading anything.

    So yes, still the stupidist comment ever Stripey, and you've put forward fuck all to change my position on that.

    Please provide a link to wherever you found the original post, so that I can point all this out to the tube who wrote it in the first place.

    "In the United Kingdom, making a private copy of copyrighted media without the copyright owner's consent is illegal as of January 2008: this includes ripping music from a CD to a computer or digital music player."

    Ripping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  7. For not a lot more a month and also by not even living that far from Froghall you could get a flat in a much nicer area. Head a little closer to the Uni down Sunnyside Road etc or alternatively go for the other side of King Street.

    I wouldn't live in Froghall under any circumstance. I've heard enough horror stories from previous residents to stop me even walking through the place unaccompanied after night fall at all - let alone live there. Someone I know there said it was a common to see junkies testing windows from people's back gardens. Niiiiiice.

    Edit: As for your car. Avoid parking in Froghall and Bedford Road. However, the side streets off Bedford Road (opposite side to the Kittybrewster) are alright. Bedford Road is just awash with drunk students heading home after being in town at night and as a result expect missing radio aerials, dented bonnets and pies on your windscreen if you park there. If you put it on one of the side streets it'll be more out of harms way.

    I think you're confused. Bedford Road is too far away to even consider parking there, it would be just as easy to park on George Street. The back gardens are fenced in with big spikey metal things so any junkies fancying an easy target would have a hard time.Maybe you're thinking of Bedford/Powis?

  8. I've lived on the corner of Elmbank Terrace and Froghall Avenue for over 5 years.

    I've never had any real problems, in fact the major thing that disturbs my tranquility at the moment are these fucking Mormons that keep coming round. I've never even had a wing mirror knocked out of position as far as cars go.

    I've also lived in Bedford/Powis and Ferriers/Sandilands before and this area is definitely better, although that's maybe not too much of a recommendation.

  9. I wish people would pipe down with this 'cars are a luxury, not a necessity' crap. Cars have become so integrated into our society that they have become a necessity for a lot of people, and it isn't fair to just tax the crap out of motorists, the burden should be spread out a little more evenly... Either that or this 6bn extra a year can go into reducing the cost of fuel so that everyone gets a break.

    For you a car is obviously a necessity but for most urban dwellers (which is most people in the UK) I would argue that it is a luxury.

    The tax hasn't risen so how can it be any less fair than it was 2 years ago?

    My fuel bills tell me the burden is being spread.

    How about using the extra 6bn to alleviate domestic bills instead, then everyone would get a break.

  10. Just thought I'd agree with Soundian about 'phones......if I mix using phones the levels are usually all to pot, so I always use monitors. They're fine for actual recording though, especially if you've got thin walls!

    Stripey said that, although I have to agree as well. I use open backed headphones mostly to set up a basic mix; it's easier to hear little coughs, rustling paper etc and the stereo imaging is more accurate (how many drumkits have I heard that seem to be 30 feet wide, ugh). I'll check my final mix with my open phones as well because if it doesn't sound good on them as well I've done something wrong.

  11. I had a bit of a search to see if I could find the answer to the instant coffee scalding question (it's amazing how interesting some things become when there's a roof that needs painting).

    I've seen various reasons for putting milk/a small amount of water in first. The most convincing to me was someone who said there were volatile chemicals that are lost when boiling water is used.

    This could be true, according to this Coffee Brewing - CoffeeResearch.org it seems like the best temperature for coffee is between 90 and 96C.

    Someone else also suggested that putting in the milk first stopped the high temperatures denaturing the proteins in the milk. This also seems to be borne out by investigation BBC NEWS | UK | How to make a perfect cuppa

  12. I miss "find today's posts". "new posts" is great if I haven't been on in a while but it does exactly what it says on the tin, making it difficult to check back on recently viewed threads without going to the specific forum, which leads neatly on to the second comment...

    I hardly used the forums menu item when we had "find today's posts" but now I have to I'm not enjoying having to visit the forums homepage every time I want to find a specific post. Dropdown menu perhaps?

  13. Closed-back headphones are meant for monitoring only so I'm confused as to why people are wearing them for extended periods. Once the actual (mic) recording is done you should be using monitors or, if noise is an issue, open-backed headphones.

  14. Are they though?

    How many young people are actually buying Stones or Cash records? (well, apart from the last few Rick Rubin produced CDs in Cash's case).

    If that's what Stripey is aiming to discuss then I think he's severly overestimating the appeal of the Rolling Stones to the average Panic At the Disco or Fal Out Boy fan.

    I don't know, are they? Maybe that should've been the first question.. But then again there's a lot of people posted here, and I know a lot more, who listen to, enjoy and maybe even idolise these bands/artists so I think he has a point.

  15. Anyway, a little tip for any inexperienced bands who're reading this... If a promoter turns you down for a gig you say, "Well thanks for taking the time out to listen to/consider us" and leave it at that. Having politely accepted their decision you could even ask them to point you in the right direction or keep you in mind in future.

    That way you build your list of contacts and the next time you enquire about a gig the promoter doesn't remember you for all the wrong reasons.

    :up: (8 feckin characters)

  16. I'm probably opening another can of worms here but why are all these artists white?

    Why does "received wisdom" not apply to black people - why not mention Public Enemy, James Brown, Prince, Bob Marley, Lee Scratch Perry etc in your post?

    Personally, I feel you've got a point in some respects - some of the work released by the people you mentioned has been absolute gash (see anything the Rolling Stones have released in the last 30 odd years, for example) but conversly some of it has been era defining and still classic.

    I'd say that you're looking at this from a safe, white, liberal perspective - it's easy to slag off the "classics" but to not mention any black, african, Jamican, etc artists to me smacks of inverse racism & smug, middle class snobbery. You're directly applying your current tastes (and spare me the RHCP, RATM references - that's just your token "I like Rock, honest!" post to show how all encompassign your tastes are - like those Metal fans that name drop a token hip hop artist) and not taking into account that maybe, just maybe, pop, rock, rap, dance, etc are so sprawling that it's impossible to trace it back to half a dozen artists.

    Where do you stand on artists such as Kraftwerk, incidently? Does the lineage from themselves to Africa Bambata to hip hop to Detroit to electronic music today fit nicely into your theory?

    What about Joe Meek? Phil Spector? Or any other producer using the studio as a tool?

    I think you're misunderstanding the question. He's not asking about lineage etc, he's asking why these artists, who were relevant 40 odd years ago, are still popular with young people today.

  17. Those are crown power amps. Push out something like 4000 watts each and he has 2 of them.

    They push out nothing like 4KW each, you'd need a 5000 series for that, those are 2402's

    With 4 cabs and 2 amps he'll be running them dual mono into mono 4 ohm cabs( the SVT's are 4 ohm mono anyway, I assume the 18"'s are as well) which gives you max continuous of 800W per stack, 3.2KW in total (and that's maxed out).

  18. Agreed, before I started buying music I did listen to my parents tapes and lp's, but to be honest that's why I now can't stand pink floyd, donovan, the eagles etc. It would be great if the internet and music sharing over it managed to dismantle some of the wierd baseless reverence people have for these artists.

    I think most people end up going their own way with musical taste, but if, for example, 30% of people who grow up listening to dylan, the stones etc continue to like them into adulthood that's still a lot of people considering the amount of albums they've sold.

  19. I've actually been billed for council tax in Aberdeen. It's still my secondary residence, and because (apparently) you're liable during the summer months, I've been hit with a double bill for Essex and Aberdeen. So I do have a financial interest in what goes on in Aberdeen - I've been hit for nearly 4 months worth of council tax there and here, and neither seems willing to apply the second residence discount either.

    Although I'm wondering how you can afford a place in Aberdeen and not have it leased out I have to empathise with your council tax problems. A few months ago they claimed I was due them thousands (which I wasn't, I'd paid them exactly what they'd asked for) and two weeks later they ended up giving me 500. I have no idea why but, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, didn't want to ask.

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