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Posts posted by Emma

  1. 3...thats not many!!! ok...(in no paticular order)

    1. 'so long astoria'- The Ataris.

    2. 'Straight Ahead'- Pennywise

    3. 'Living Well is the Best Revenge'-Midtown/ 'Esteem Driven Engine'- Pulley....or "bound by ties..."-Good Riddance......arrrgh i dont know!

    Theres too many!

    edit: i forgot "take this to your grave"-Fall out Boy. It's only a relatively recent addition to my collection, but i really think i'll still love it in long-term.

  2. Originally posted by Camie:

    Tone Row or Atonal music. We had to that in music I think just to appreciate it and its cool how different and weird it sounds. Yeh everyone has there own opinion on music which means they wont like certain types but doesnt mean you cant appreciate it. Baroque for example. Im not a big fan of it (especially when the harpsicord plays), but I appreciate the various techniques in it that has influenced many composers.

    yeh like in serialism. tone row and all that. inversions and retrograde can sound pretty cool though. I find 'musique concrete' pretty scary! very different to everything else though.

  3. there are some things such as "organised sound" where the composers in the 20th century discard pitch rhythem and harmony etc. I personally feel this isn't music, but still it is classed as music. that is definitly just a disturbance of silence! also things like "musique concrete" where natural sounds are recorded them modified ie. cutting re-assembling playing backward adding speed changes etc. I dont really 'like' this but i can appreciate it.

  4. Originally posted by Rhiannon:

    what about if you know they have cheated on a previous partner, would that make you feel any different?

    well, i would be wary, but i guess if they hadn't done anything personally to me........yet.......it wouldnt really bother me, but the first *hint* of ANYTHING and thats it....goodbye!

    I can believe that guy did that too you *huggles*

  5. Originally posted by Leckie Gilman:

    i dunno i thought that last couple songs they released were good.

    especially the one with the video taking the piss outta the strokes.

    what was that one called again?

    'waiting'? i'm not sure really, i know which one you mean though.

    I love the song 'heart attack' off "all killer no filler"' classic song.It was the only good one off the album.

  6. Originally posted by drunkenmonkey:

    out of curiosity, does anyone know any songs that fits them perfectly, in a lyrical sense? mine would be "something to change" by pennywise

    Another boring day just fades away

    a cycle thats never going to change

    another casualty of humanity awash in my own stupidity

    it's like i dont want to try, theres no reason why

    a cyborg theat waiting around to die

    got nothing left to prove, i got no excuse

    a wastoid with nothing left to lose

    anyone else got a song?

    thats a good song by the way

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