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Monk Rocker

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Posts posted by Monk Rocker

  1. Originally posted by Tav:

    Lead VocalsGuitar - Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam

    Lead/Rythmn Guitar/Vocals - Neil Young, Neil Young

    Lead/Rythmn Guitar - Stone Gossard, Pearl Jam

    Drums - Sean Kinney, AIC

    Bass/Double Bass - Jeff Ament, Pearl Jam

    So basically kick Mike McCready and Matt Cameron out of Pearl Jam? I'd bring back Dave Ambrussezze(?sp). You seen Pearl Jam's MTV unplugged session? His drumming was outstanding.

  2. Originally posted by Doc Murray:

    Michael Kiske - Vocals

    Yngwie Malmsteen - Rythm & Lead Guitar

    Stefan Elmgren (Hammerfall) - Rythm & Lead Guitar

    Andre Olbrich (Blind Guardian) - Rythm & Lead Guitar

    Marco Hietala (Nightwish) - Bass & Backing Vocals

    Now THAT would kick ass...

    Hmmm. No drummer? Interesting.

  3. Originally posted by Mouse:

    The music industry has been at a low the last decade. Talentless Hip-hop, R&B & pop acts or bands like the Darkness? I know where I'd rather be.

    Hip-hop, R&B and pop acts are not talentless. Blink 182 are talentless.

  4. Originally posted by Tav:

    Subsidence's bassist? If so your amp sound was fantastic at your last gig. Really enjoyed the bass sound.

    Cheers. It sounds alot better when I can use the V-type aswell, but there ain't enough room on Drakes stage for it all!!

  5. Basses:

    Musicman Stingray

    Warwick Corvette Standard

    Ibanez SG-305DX

    Stagg Frettless


    Boss EQ

    Danelctro Fabtone

    Yamaha Flanger

    EBS Octabass

    Korg tuner


    1970's Fender Bassman 135, with matching 2x15 Silverface cab

    Trace Elliot V-type 1x15 valve combo

    Trace Elliot BLX-80

  6. Originally posted by Philip:

    2) There is no good or bad music, music simply 'is'. It is the listener that fails to appreciate, or manages to appreciate what he is listening to.

    What do you think? Do you have any other definitions of what music is?

    I've been trying to get that across for years on here.

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