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Posts posted by DrinkDrankPunk

  1. is there a Glasweegian version of this? im trying to find Killswitch tickets 'cause Derrick left it to the last minute and it sold out.. if anyone would happen to know of a link t try or even have one for sale, it would be decent, ill pay upto 20 quid...

    cheers Bob..

    ps. is there any tickets sites i could try which are good for soldout gigs?

  2. I miss Gordons, but i can't help but feel that i was merely filling a seat for however-thousand-pounds a year... oh well, a wasted 6th year was not a 6th year wasted. :up:

    It was a good school, but there were a lot of rich tossers who drove big new fast cars (mostly the Ford Focus Zetec), but most of them crashed them anyway...


  3. *thinks to himself*

    Right the spec is...

    1.2ghz AMD motherboard and cpu

    512mb of RAM

    GeForce 4 Graphix Card with a video out port, but ive never tried using this port or set it up... its a mystery.

    A 40GB hdd, (this could be faulty, so i'll deduct this off the price, you can have it and if it works, it works)

    oh, and a DVD drive, and possibly a CDRW if i get a new one for meself.

    im looking for at least 90 bones,or i could take some weed, but not all weed, im supposed to be spending this cash sensibly...

    its in good order, all you will need it a Hard Disk if i cant get any life from this one, and maybe a graphix card if im a bastard and take this out the PC before i sell it, but morney will be deducted and a replacement can be found on ye olde cheap.

    if it comes to it, ill just sell it in parts.

    The case looks like a piece of shit, but it is a good PC and i'll miss her...

    anyway, laters...


  4. i have no pictures of it as it is actually still inside my PC as i need to get some new sticks of RAM for my new motherboard. bastards. Ill have a scan on it and see if i can find a model number or something like that. It should fit your tower if not you can get decent ones for under 15 quid.

    I now could sell the system as a complete, ill send a full spec if anyone wants.


  5. Most of semi-decent PC, will sell as whole or bits..

    I have an old AMD 1.2gig motherboard and processor, its in god working order. I possibly even have the drivers disk kicking about. Ill take anything over 40 quid, or a score of decent weed. :gringo:

    I can now sell it as an almost complete, scroll down...

    pm for prices of individual bits

    Bob :up:

  6. Has anyone else had trouble with a Three Mobile handset or getting one repaired? Ive had mine arranged to be picked up 6 times, they didnt turn up twice and turned up 3 days late the third time and then the 3 times it has been picked its returned unfixed.

    After argueing with some guy and being on hold listening to Norah Jones over and over and getting cut off for saying the word "asshole" they placed the blame on Dixons.

    After phoning Dixons twice they blame Three Mobile, and Motorola the phones manufacturer said that they could not fix it as the phone is out of production..

    Bastards.. :moody:

    Does anyone have any ideas on what to do or has had problems with Three Mobile or there customer servives?

    Cheers, Bob

  7. i may buy it, but im wanting a roughish guess as to the size, because i once owned an absolute brute of an HH Bass Speaker that wouldnt fit through your average size doorway..

  8. what do you want in trade for this, i really want it... ive got various effects pedals, a Playstation 2 with a couple games, some Gamecube games, a bass signed by Napalm Death, a hard bass case, a polaroid camera, an N64 with games and a Gameboy Pocket with games...

    Anything interest you?


  9. hey, you know Greg (blonde, quite short, wears bright coloured shirts...) from Gemmas partys and other gatherings i see you at? well, he has a decent kit for sale, gimmie a PM and ill send you his number... :up:


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