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Posts posted by Spoonie

  1. Only just crept over the 40 mark after a lot of parenting and a lot less reading. Driving hasn't helped either because it's taken away crucial public transport reading time! Still, 80% of the way there and still a lot of the year left.


    1: Ranulph Feinnes - Captain Scott
    2: Keith Richards - Life
    3: Harry Leslie Smith - Harry's Last Stand: How the world my generation built is falling down, and what we can do about it
    4: Richard Moore - Mastermind: How Dave Brailsford Reinvented the Wheel
    5: Eric Lichtblau - The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men
    6: George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four
    7: Sean Payton - Home Team: Coaching the Saints and New Orleans Back to Life
    8: Atul Gawande - The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right
    9: Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill's War Leadership
    10: Matt Gemmell - Raw Materials: Collected Essays
    11: Robert H Frank - The Economic Naturalist: Why Economics Explains Almost Everything
    12: F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
    13: Brett King - Bank 3.0
    14: J. D. Salinger - Catcher in the Rye
    15: John Buchan - The 39 Steps
    16: Howard E. Wasdin - SEAL Team Six: The Incredible Story of an Elite Sniper and the unit that killed Osama
    17: John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men
    18: Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island
    19: Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park
    20: Lewis Grassic Gibbon - Cloud Howe
    21: Lee Price - Turning my Back on the Premier League
    22: Andy Bounds - Top Dog: Impress and Influence Everyone You Meet
    23: William Wyatt - Procrastination: Stop F#cking Procrastinating And Do Some F#cking Work! - The Ultimate Guide to Get Explosive Results, Get Rid of Procrastination And Laziness
    24: Lewis Grassic Gibbon - Grey Granite
    25: Irvine Welsh - A Decent Ride
    26: Irvine Welsh - Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
    27: Thomas Hardy - Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    28: Michael Lewis - Flash Boys
    29: Buzz Bissinger - After Friday Night Lights: When the Games Ended
    30: Michael Lewis - The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game
    31: Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street
    32: Iain Martin - Making it Happen: Fred Goodwin, RBS and the men who blew up the British economy
    33: Steven R. Covey - Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
    34: Viktor Frankl - Man's Search For Meaning
    35: Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers
    36: Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
    37: Duff McDonald - The Firm: The Inside Story of McKinsey
    38: Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
    39: Peter Elkind & Bethany McLean - The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
    40: James Kerr - Legacy

  2. Giants finally off the mark with a Thursday night win against the Redskins. Hopefulyl we will push on from here. Eagles look shaky and Redskins look poor so it's just the pesky Cowboys to deal with

  3. Watched a fair chunk of the Giants game. We looked better than a lot of the dross we turned out out on Offense last year but it was far from clinical and defensively we struggled up front. the Cowboys OL is arguably the best in the league, so it's a tough place to start, but we've plenty to work on.

  4. "Need to see the new offense for a couple of weeks before we put him out to pasture but there was an awful lot of short passing and screens from the Broncos.  "


    That's the key thing I saw too, which is often a sign of an OC/HC changing the composition of his play calling to support the talents of someone who is reaching the end of their career. you have to remember too, that the HC and GM are paid to win and if Peyton really can't get it done and there's a viable option behind him then they will make that move.

  5. That was bizarre and it shows that no matter how much time you spend preparing or how complex your systems and schemes are, a lot of it comes down to common sense and being able to recognise quickly if something is amiss and potentially even call a time out from the field or sideline. A lot of football is just trying to get favourable matchups. 3 receivers vs 2 defenders, your best pass rusher against their weakest O-Lineman, your fastest WR against their clowest Corner in man coverage. Rob Gronkowski vs nobody is about as bad a matchup for the defense as you can get!

  6. Jim Harbaugh's latest stint as a college HC started last night with his alma mater Michigan playing Utah. He's been touted as one of the best coaches in football this off-season. They lost.

  7. I re-read Heart of Darkness yesterday. A brooding novella about folk going mental and the ivory trade. Great book - although I still prefer watching Apocalypse Now.


    Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner, the only films to be far superior to the books they were based on.

    Apocaypse Now has been a favourite film of mine for years and I just read that last month and it's wicked! I love the way it was adapted too - it seems really obvious when you know the film first, but its pretty creative

  8. 39 for me, had a bit of a slow month with the arrival of the little one!


    1: Ranulph Feinnes - Captain Scott
    2: Keith Richards - Life
    3: Harry Leslie Smith - Harry's Last Stand: How the world my generation built is falling down, and what we can do about it
    4: Richard Moore - Mastermind: How Dave Brailsford Reinvented the Wheel
    5: Eric Lichtblau - The Nazis Next Door: How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men
    6: George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty Four
    7: Sean Payton - Home Team: Coaching the Saints and New Orleans Back to Life
    8: Atul Gawande - The Checklist Manifesto: How To Get Things Right
    9: Martin Gilbert - Winston Churchill's War Leadership
    10: Matt Gemmell - Raw Materials: Collected Essays
    11: Robert H Frank - The Economic Naturalist: Why Economics Explains Almost Everything
    12: F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
    13: Brett King - Bank 3.0
    14: J. D. Salinger - Catcher in the Rye
    15: John Buchan - The 39 Steps
    16: Howard E. Wasdin - SEAL Team Six: The Incredible Story of an Elite Sniper and the unit that killed Osama
    17: John Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men
    18: Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island
    19: Michael Crichton - Jurassic Park
    20: Lewis Grassic Gibbon - Cloud Howe
    21: Lee Price - Turning my Back on the Premier League
    22: Andy Bounds - Top Dog: Impress and Influence Everyone You Meet
    23: William Wyatt - Procrastination: Stop F#cking Procrastinating And Do Some F#cking Work! - The Ultimate Guide to Get Explosive Results, Get Rid of Procrastination And Laziness
    24: Lewis Grassic Gibbon - Grey Granite
    25: Irvine Welsh - A Decent Ride
    26: Irvine Welsh - Sex Lives of Siamese Twins
    27: Thomas Hardy - Tess of the d'Urbervilles
    28: Michael Lewis - Flash Boys
    29: Buzz Bissinger - After Friday Night Lights: When the Games Ended
    30: Michael Lewis - The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game
    31: Jordan Belfort - The Wolf of Wall Street
    32: Iain Martin - Making it Happen: Fred Goodwin, RBS and the men who blew up the British economy
    33: Steven R. Covey - Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
    34: Viktor Frankl - Man's Search For Meaning
    35: Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers
    36: Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
    37: Duff McDonald - The Firm: The Inside Story of McKinsey
    38: Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
    39: Peter Elkind & Bethany McLean - The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron

  9. The book is pretty nuts - if it was just the main narrative, it'd be about a quarter of the length but all of the history and technical detail turns it into this epic read which mirrors the epic nature or traipsing all over the world to find a whale.

  10. At college he was ridiculous but the game there is much more fluid, so you can freelance more. I hope that he learns the system and to read defenses better as you say, so that he gives himself some room to do similar. His highlights looked solid and he showed some really nice throwing.

  11. Cheers dude - Little one is due two weeks on Wednesday so I thought I'd best get the finger out!

    Little one arrived right on her due date and both Harper Alice Davies and her mum are well. Big change, but a lot of fun!

    • Upvote 11
  12. Yeah, an absolutely astounding way to do business. It's the same old story with big businesses where 'massive profits' don't actually mean that any real money has been made and 'huge losses' can often be write downs of the value of existing assets, rather than real money walking out the door. It was a crazy way to behave and the speed with which the US business press jumped on the bandwagon and poured on the praise, without having any real understanding what was happening inside the company, was staggering. Nice to see that some of them went to jail at the end of it, which hasn't been the case in a lot of big business disasters.


    Now I'm reading What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell and A New Father: A Dad's Guide to the First Year by Armin A. Brott.

  13. Here's your answer: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dear-Tree-design-Journals-Lifetime/dp/1907048006/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1438268173&sr=8-7&keywords=mum+book

    Get her this and make her a card with a home made voucher in it which entitles her to lunch or high tea or dinner or drinks or a spa day at anywhere of her choosing. Explain that you're gonna have a day out and you're gonna fill it out together on that day. Basically, you'll spend the whole day learning things that you never knew about your mum, and capturing them all in the book. And all for a tenner plus whatever activity she wants to do. That's personal, because of the conversation and the process and personalised because she selects where you do it.

  14. I find it surprising too - there used to be a TSB, the Clydesdale and the Post Office offered its own banking services too, but it shows how the way that people bank has changed. The focus is largely on making sure that the bigger branches are fully kitted out and have everything you need and all of the people you could want to speak to for your big life events, and that the online and mobile services are as strong as they can be so that people don't actually have to use the banks unless they want to. I am in branches every day of my working life, but if it wasn't for the fact I work here, I doubt I'd be in more than once a year when my mum decides that she's gonna pay me some money by cheque, because apparently it's still the 1920s!

    • Upvote 1
  15. You don't need to do anything dude - the sort code will be absorbed by a receiving branch (probably Stoney in this case) but all of your details will remain exactly as they are and you can do your banking in whatever branch you like. The only difference is that any new accounts you open, you won't be able to have them at the old sort code.


    I have all of my accounts at the same branch as you and was really sad to see that new too (especially as I work for them) but with only 40 regular customers, 14 of whom also use other nearby branches, it just wasn't viable to keep it open. Remember, you can also do your banking a Post Offices and the app if you don't already have it is wicked.

    • Upvote 2
  16. Started this weekend on The Smartest Guys in The Room about the rise and fall of Enron. Some pretty ridiculous practices, but not a million miles from all of the other 'big business gets a bit wide adn goes down the tubes' stories I've read.

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