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Posts posted by PrincessHolly

  1. When I was a kid we always had Coke in our house then when I moved in with my aunt and uncle they only ever drank Diet Coke which I thought tasted gross but eventually I started to like it and regular Coke became disgusting.

    Now I drink neither and find both repulsive. It's weird.

  2. PS MINOR SPOILER (well' date=' is there such a thing?) To be honest, I was thinking either the hairdresser or Mrs Fischer was going to get picked off by that cougar, actually, that was quite a shock at the start of the show...[/quote']

    Yeah I thought that Ruth was going to get all cougar-ed out. But what happened instead was totally cool. The beginning scared the shit out of me. I was thinking "what's with everyone dying during their new "extreme" sports sessions?" then RARRRRRRRR. Eek!!

  3. Oh, ok I stand corrected. I can't remember where I read it but I remember him saying that he didn't like playing James Bond as there was nothing he could bring to the role, he was given no input and that the producers were often unimpressed with his take on things.

    Perhaps he said that to the San Fran Chronicle then got bitter and started slagging everyone off. Who knows? James Bond appears to be rumour central right now.

  4. Hahaha Jimr has a good one! I never have scary dreams but the other day I dreamt that I was living in the 40's and my husband was at war. I lived in the hills with my son and Patrick Boo kept coming round to teach my little boy how to skim stones and then we ate jam on toast.

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