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Posts posted by PrincessHolly

  1. have you ever seen that woman...forbidden or something? that tries to add absolutely everyone' date=' and has about a million comments saying "wow you're so hot"?

    people that lie about their age on there are the worst though :D[/quote']

    YES!! See my previous post. What on EARTH is she all about? And does she actually take those comments as compliments? I wouldn't ever seriously leave a comment on somebody's page saying "oh my god sweetie, you are just so deliciously hot. i'd love to meet you sexy!"

    If someone said that to me I'd block them forever!! Very very odd. She literally must spend all day adding people. She probably doesn't have a job, she's probably a "model".

  2. Maybe some people actually take the time to listen to the music on a previously unheard band's page and decide they like it. Which seems to be the point of My Space.....

    Bearing in mind I only joined myspace a couple of months ago, I went away for two days and when I came back I had no less than nine requests from bands I'd never heard of. I don't have time to listen to all those bands and then decide whether to add them or not?!

    Fair enough, a myspace page is good publicity for bands but people just go to other people's pages, add all their friends, do the same to someone else and I just don't see the point.

    Another thing that baffles me is some girl called Forbidden. I've seen her on people's pages who I know from Aberdeen, and people I know from Chicago!! Then I looked at her page and she clearly just adds everyone she sees. What's the point in that?

    Personally I don't add people I don't know in a bid to keep out the ridiculous amount of bulletins some people seem intent on posting every day "omgz new pics lol" "check this out" "NO WAY" "FAO everyone" "have you seen this...." etc etc

    Reading all this back makes me wonder why I'm on myspace at all.

  3. I remember Simon and the Witch but I don't think I liked it.

    What I REALLY wish they'd bring back is WISE UP. It was brilliant. Rubbish kids talking about silly issues with walking round and round in a circle or sitting on a swing. For some reason I never missed it.

    I like Sesame Street when I was wee. I'm about to make myself a Sesame Street dress in honour.

  4. not to be confused with www.myspace.com/abmusic!!!!

    This is a great idea Neil! Although now everyone will get requests from everyone they don't want on their friends list, and people will bother them on here about why they've been denied?! Or am I the only one who doesn't add everyone who adds me?

  5. That's brilliant!! As I child, my Dad and I often sat together and read books about optical illusions and as a result I can see all these sorts of things really easily. I also manage to see things in fabric patterns and wallpaper and it freaks me out.

  6. I wish I could go to some gigs but I'm going with my Mummy and my two sister who'd never consider it and I'm not really brave enough to go off on my own! Plus I'm only 20 so I don't think I'd get into any bars or anything. :(

  7. Yeah I bought a Guide To Shopping In New York but I'll no doubt get a guide book from every relative I have for xmas so I'm sure I'll be pretty knowledgable by the time we go. I just thought I'd ask since usually the best stuff isn't in the guides.

  8. From Publishers Weekly:

    Belle & Sebastian Comic Due in 2006

    This story originally appeared in PW Comics Week on Oct. 25, 2005 Sign up now!

    by Douglas Wolk -- 10/25/2005

    The British band Belle and Sebastian's leader, Stuart Murdoch, is a longtime comics fan, and plenty of cartoonists return his affection. Early next year, as the band releases its next album, Image will publish Put the Book Back On the Shelf: A Belle and Sebastian Anthology, a collection of short comics stories, in color and blackand white, adapted from the band's older lyrics.

    It'll be drawn by several dozen cartoonists, including Andi Watson, Leela Corman, Laurenn McCubbin (who designed the cover) and eight of the artists from the Flight anthologies. "There's a pretty wide range of material,"says Image editor Eric Stephenson. "Some of the artists have done straight interpretations, others have more surrealistic takes on the songs, and a few use the lyrics as a counterpoint to what's going on in the panels." Stephenson's talking to songwriter Stephen Duffy about a similar future volume.

    I'm plugging this because my boyfriend drew Marx and Engels for it but above all that, it should be A to the MAZING!

  9. I'm going to New York just after New Year for four days (i think) but I've never been before and don't really have a clue what I should see or do or where I should eat or shop. I'm going with my Mum and my two wee sisters so ultimately it'll be a shopping trip.

    Anyone got any recommendations of things we simply must do?

  10. Sorry to tell you but your flu jab will have no effect what so ever on bird flu..... :down:

    Someone already said that, and I already responded telling them that for now, it's probably the best thing you can do to help. Apart from not rolling around with chickens all day.

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