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Posts posted by Ross

  1. Err.. that was bloody years ago ....

    All Saints have long since split up.... Arguably it kicked the RHCP back into touch and probably benefitted them more than all saints....

    RHCP are mince nowadays.. i`ve seen paint dry with more artistic integritty than the utter dross that they keep pedalling out.. Jane`s Addiction last album was great.....No justice in the world.... although y`all knew that.....

  2. Just when they seemed to be really finding their sound etc....

    One of the best UK live bands in recent years. The newest EP was great..... Ah well....

    From Drowned In Sound:


    Welsh punk heroes Douglas have announced that they're calling it a day.

    Bassist Nathan recently posted a message on a Welsh music forum, and the split has been confirmed by a member of their management.

    "Hey all, just to let you know that Douglas have split. We're planning some final shows so if anyone is interested, please let us know so we can sort out when and where. And I just wanna say thank you to all who have supported us, and put up with us over the years - thank you. Safe as f**k. Nat"


  3. I`d love to go to that but I`m at Christiansen at Moshulu: US band signed to Revelation:

    More info on them from King Tuts web site:


    Hearing Christiansen's Brad Magers do his thing, it strikes me that no-one seems comfortable having their bass guitar near the front of the mix anymore. I'm not referring to upfront players like Flea, Les Claypool, Bill Laswell, or even Dan Lilker of Nuclear Assault, of course. I really mean bassist in the post-punk funk field, a la The Dismemberment Plan or early Talking Heads. Mid-range-y, barren guitar riffs typically fill the void in indie rock most of the time, and the bassist generally only has that particular occupation because of their cool hair. As with The Makeup.

    Christiansen are the exception. This six song EP is a breath of fresh air amongst a growing pile of four-chord corpses littering the racks at your favorite record shop, and I'm now quite curious to hear 2001's "Emphasizing Function Over Design" album. The methodology of modern (cough) rock and roll would have them firmly rooted in either the "punk" or "emo#amp;quot; camps. Well, emo makes me edgy, itchy, and irritable; and I stifle a yawn when hearing this new generation's interpretation of what "punk" is anyway. A smart person once said that the best kinds of music weren't very easy to catalog and put into tidy little categories. While agreeing with that sentiment, how does one ever review anything but the most mindless drivel?

    It isn't easy, and I'm having to half-ignore that directive, especially when listening to bands I think need to be heard, and need to be talked about. Christiansen are now on that short list."

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