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Posts posted by Rach_69

  1. my only complaint, tall people should keep themselves further back! haha due to there not being a stage it was hard for ickle people like me to see very well. I had a perfect position to take pics of WSBB but then two tall girls pushed right in front of me so i have their heads in much of the pics :(

    as good fun though

  2. yeah man, i went to have a looky yesterday to see if anythings been changed and i was like "huh?"

    oh shit there's a wasp in my room :( silly bastards trying to fly out the glass part of the window

    im not helping, last time i helped a wasp outside i got stung. But then again its right above my bed and i don't want any surprises when i go to sleep tonight, argh!

  3. even Haigyman got some Rach_69 scene! i attacked him in the bassment and i dont think anyone has ever been so surprised to see me! ever! haha

    and i htink he made his first breast comment to me in person :rolleyes:

    and i DO NOT look like Kate whats-her-face!

  4. such a good gig! a great response from the crowd etc and very relaxed atmosphere, loved it!

    only problem was the heat in that place, bloody hell! was like a sauna! teehee all good though

    The first band, At long last is it? were ok, the guitar was really good and i was loving the double bass but not too keen on the vocals to be honest

    WSBB fucking ROCKED!!! i got quite a few pics but some really tall people pushed in front of me so alot of them include the tops of poeples heads... NOT MY FAULT IM SHORT!

    Stayover - not my thing at all but the crowd seemed to enjoy them as always

    WTW - loving the new songs, apart from a kinda slowish one in the middle, played come out and play which is ALWAYS a good thing :thumbsup:

    overall i say it was WELL worth the 3!

  5. Rach_69 will surely be able to tell you a wee bit more about it' date=' after her startling revelation in the gallery that she is now officially a member of the band...[/quote']

    fuck off, i dont look anything like him!!!!

    and i havent heard the new song yet

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